Week ending 9th October
This week the children have been learning how to use a camera.
It has been interesting to see the classroom from the children’s perspective and see what they want to record. Selfies and photos of the ceiling and floor seem to be very popular, as well as unique shots of adults with various arms, legs and sometimes heads missing! Some of the photographs you see this week are taken by the children themselves, proudly showing off the work they have been completing with their classmates.
Just a reminder on Tuesday (13th October) it is individual photograph day, so remember to bring you best smiles!
Week ending 2nd October
I can’t believe it’s already October, how time flies when you’re having fun!
This week we have been learning about our local area. We took a trip on Google Earth to find out what Stretford looks like from an aerial view (lots of roads, trees, houses and buildings!) and as we cannot take a walk around the local area at the moment, we used the street view function to take a virtual tour and visit different parts of Stretford (the park, library, Stretford Mall, canal, tram station). This helped the children to recognise and become familiar with their surroundings. We also drew pictures of things we pass on the way to school.
During the next few weeks you might like to help your child recognise different places of interest in Stretford or use Google Earth to go exploring yourselves!
Following on from this work we learnt what road signs were for and about addresses. For instance, that an address has a number and road name, the town and city and a postcode. The children were interested in why this was and we found out all about how letters are posted and delivered to people's addresses. Some children have then gone home and found out about their own address and learnt their postcode (amazing work!)
On Thursday we enjoyed our first PE session with Mr Shingler moving in lots of different ways and learning about how our body feels when we exercise. Just a reminder our PE sessions are on Monday and Thursday, so the children can come to school wearing joggers or leggings, pumps or trainers along with the rest of their uniform.
Week ending 25th September
It’s been another busy week in Year 1! We’ve been doing lots of practical activities to support our learning and working in small groups with an adult to complete some activities. I just wanted to say how pleased I am with how eager and enthusiastic the children are to complete their activities with us .
This week we’ve enjoyed learning how to rhyme using Oi Frog! by Kes Gray and Jim field and using nursery rhymes. We even made our own rhyming couplets using real and made-up words! If you would like to read the story together there is a link below.
In Maths we’ve been working with different quantities matching them to their numerals or number words as well as solving problems. We have also worked on how to sort objects in different ways. There is an activity below that your child might enjoy doing that supports this work.
(Handy hint: group similar aliens together, for instance, look at the colour of their eyes or the number of legs or what colour they are)
On Monday we enjoyed our dance session with Mrs Murphy (our dance coach) and I’m excited to tell you that our sports coach Mr Shingler will be doing our 2nd PE session on a Thursday. So, starting from next week (week beginning 28th September) every MONDAY and THURSDAY the children can come to school dressed ready for PE (joggers or legging, white or yellow t-shirt, green sweater or cardigan and trainers or pumps).
Finally, even though we are not having assemblies in the hall at the moment, we are continuing to celebrate our achievements and birthdays together on Friday via Zoom!
Week ending 18th September
We’ve been very creative and imaginative this week, using the story of The Dot by Peter H Reynolds to create our own fantastic pictures! Here is a selection.
We have also been talking about how to stay safe on-line. We’ve used different stories to explore what characters should do when they are working or playing online. You might like to talk to your child about this and there are some good ideas and links on the website below. Our main message to the children is, when you are on-line, if you are unsure what to do or see something you don’t like or have a request for personal information, TELL AN ADULT and they will help you.
Just a reminder that Monday is our PE day and the children are allowed to come to school wearing either joggers or leggings with trainers as well as their yellow t-shirt and green jumper. Please remember that the children should not be wearing earrings on PE days.
And finally … it has been a lovely sunny week and we have really enjoyed playing in the sunshine but that means we also like to take off our jumpers and cardigans which can get misplaced. At school the adults quite like to be detectives but when you have to sort out 5 jumpers that all look the same and have no names on it gets tricky! Please can we ask that this weekend you check that all your child’s jumpers/ cardigans/ water bottles and coats have their name on, it just makes it easier for us! Thank you.
Week ending 11th September
Our focus this week has been about supporting the children to rebuild their relationships with others in school.
In class the children have enjoyed discovering the different games, activities and toys they can play with in Year 1. Alongside this, we've also continued with our dough disco sessions, played some phonics games (using our blending skills), done some mental maths and practised writing our names using the correct letter formation.
Here is the Year 1 curriculum update so you can find out what the children are learning this half term and some examples of how we write our letters and numbers in school.
Week ending 4th September
Welcome to Year One!
The children and I have spent a lovely two days together. They have settled back into school really well. They have done lots of practical activities including dough disco, phonics, drawing, playing imaginatively and have enjoyed seeing their friends once again. We have enjoyed lots of stories and reminded ourselves about 'The Colour Monster' story, which then inspired some children to use this idea in their play.
A rainbow with all the different emotions.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend and Mrs Nield and I look forward to seeing you on Monday.
Miss Green