Week 7
Well another half-term done! All that's left to say is have a lovely break and stay well.
On behalf of all the team in Nursery we would like to say a massive thank you for all the kind gifts- we are so touched by your kindness and generosity.
Enjoy the pictures below!
Week 6
What a week! The children were amazing in the Christmas Production- I was proud of every single one of them. The children showed confidence and maturity getting on the stage in front of a very large audience- well done Nursery.
In the classroom we have been busy making Christmas scenes in the malleable area, practising our handwriting patterns and working hard on writing our names in Christmas cards.
In the outdoors we have been creating Christmas trees with natural materials. We have also been large-scale mark making on the floor, the blackboard and in seasonally-green rice.
I have never been more proud of the children than when our 'visitors' came- they represented our school amazingly. They saw children helping each other put aprons on, writing their names, counting aloud, using recently learned vocabulary and, most importantly, showed them what a happy place our school is!
This week we have our class party on Thursday. Please could everyone make a cash donation to Mrs Howarth for this on Monday- this will help towards the cost of food,drinks and party prizes on the day.
Just to remind parents-
Children with diarrhoea or vomiting should stay away from school for 2 days after their symptoms have gone. If your child is not attending please inform the office.
Week 5
This week we have been very busy rehearsing our play- we are looking forward to performing in front of an audience on Wednesday and Thursday.
Our classroom has had some new resources added such as a Christmas tree that the children are allowed to decorate themselves. Outdoors we have been following the children's interests and have added an ice cream cafe! Not quite the weather but we have had some amazing play opportunities from this- even a 'drive-through' was created later in the week. We have enjoyed using the coloured rice to experiment with filling and pouring, and using language to describe what it look/feels like. We have enjoyed using the 'snowballs' to practise our catching and throwing, although a snowball fight did break out on Monday!
We have enjoyed dressing up in our Christmas clothes and using the Advent Calendar in the maths area. We have our very own calendar that we are opening each day and every child will receive a little book from this to take home.
Thank you to Ayyub's Mummy for helping out with our Nursery book swap event- this will happen every Friday morning. I hope that your child is enjoying sharing this book with you at home.
Week 4
We have had a lot of fun this week! Indoors we have been busy keeping teeth clean and learning a song to remind us to brush morning and night. We have been counting everyday and using our fingers to show different amounts. We have created finger painted stars ready for the hall display, inspired by the Eric Carle book - Draw Me A Star.
Outdoors we have been dodging the rain and popping our wellies on when needed. We have been using the chalks to draw large scale snowmen, then we watched them get washed away in the rain.
The children have been fascinated by making vehicles so we decided to extend this by creating our own roads. Some Christmas enhancements have been added to the provision- Father Christmas popped by(thanks Josiah for the cheery Ho Ho Hos!).
We will start our lending library next Friday. Our volunteer will be based outside the Nursery door and you will be able, with your child, to select a book to borrow. Enjoy sharing this book with your child before returning it the following Friday in order to exchange for a new one.
Week 3
In Nursery this week we have been busy colour mixing. We enjoyed the story Mouse Paint which helped us to identify different colours can be made with red, blue and yellow.
We have also been busy creating our Christmas Cards, which are top secret, using marbling inks- this was the opposite of our earlier activity as the inks do not allow the colours to mix.
We have been very busy in the maths corner where we have been sorting the 'families' into different colours. The children were amazing at doing this and worked independently to complete the activity.
We have been continuing with our phonics sessions, and this week we have been exploring sounds you would hear on a farm. We compared this to past sessions where we identified and created sounds in a town, a garden and at home.
We have loved our new water tray- the children love making me cups of tea so at the beginning of the week we had various fruits and herbs in the water to make some interesting concoctions!
Thank you to everyone for donating to the Nursery Fund- it is so appreciated and always put to good use. I will be using some of the monies this weekend to buy fresh 'play-doh', which will be used only in our dough disco sessions. Please keep donating!
I am also looking for a volunteer to run our book swap session. This will be a chance for children to select picture books to read at home and keep for a week. If you can help on a regular basis please come and see me next week.
Week 2
This week we have been busy with maths! We have been identifying numbers and counting objects. We have been comparing two groups and using language such as- bigger, more than, smaller and less than.
Our book focus continues to be the Colour Monster. We focused on when the monster was green this week and discussed ways of staying calm.
We have enjoyed circle songs- especially learning The Hokey Cokey! We have also been learning some of the songs for our Christmas play- we have some super singers in Nursery.
Thank you to all the parents that attended Parents Evening this week- I hope you all left feeling very proud of your little ones.
Next week we have Odd Socks Day on Monday and children are invited to wear something yellow on Friday.
Please could you send a picture of your child with their family for our new display. We would like to create a display that celebrates all the different ethnicities in our class- so please feel free to add information about your family. We are hoping to link this with our world map and show the children that people have family in many different places all over the world.
Week 1
In Nursery this week we have enjoyed our 'Dough Disco' sessions. The children have to roll, press, squeeze and pinch the dough to a funky song- this week it was to The Addams Family theme tune.
Mrs Howarth read The Colour Monster to the children, following this with a super circle time about what makes us feel cross/sad/angry.
We have enjoyed using glitter and exploring colour, linking this with Bonfire Night, to create our own firework pictures.
In our provision the children were keen to extend the dressing up area to include a hair salon- complete with hairdryer, rollers, combs and clips.
On Friday we had a delicious bonfire night treat with Mrs Peters making us some homemade parkin to enjoy at snacktime.
Outdoors, we have enjoyed feeling the sparkly jelly bath in the 'tuff' spot. We have been using our motor skills to re-create firework shapes on the chalkboard. Our new gardening area has been a real hit and I have been so pleased with the work of our super 'gardeners', who have been so busy sweeping up leaves! On Friday we chatted about keeping safe on Bonfire night. We also talked about being safe when using sparklers and the children loved watching me light a sparkler, seeing it sparkle and fizzle out safely in a big bucket of water.
On a Friday morning we have enjoyed taking part in the whole school assembly. This is an opportunity for the children to see the rest of the school and the staff. They have been so well-behaved!
Please see the newsletter attached for further information about the next half-term.