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Welcome back! We hope you all had a fantastic break. PLEASE NOTE THAT SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS TUESDAY 8TH OCTOBER 2024

Autumn 2

Week 7




A very big thank you from Mrs Dempsey. Mrs Ogden, Mrs Howarth, Mrs Daniels and Mrs Hart for the kind Christmas gifts received.


Here are a selection of pictures from some of the fun activities we did in the last week of term.  

Week 6


This week we have been very busy preparing for our festive music assembly- learning songs and actions. The assembly itself took place on Thursday, below you will find some little videos of the music extravaganza. The children were lucky enough to listen to live music played by professional musicians.


The elf in our classroom has been a bit cheeky- eating sweets, adorning himself with stickers, riding in toy cars, plus much more! We wrote to our elf this week to tell him a little about ourselves. We listed things we were good at and what hobbies we enjoy- the children used commas to create lists.


In maths we have been practising lots of things we have learnt over the half-term, including using <> signs.


In art we have been using charcoal to create dramatic sketches of St Paul's Cathedral.


As normal at this time of year some of our normal lessons are taken over by Christmas crafts, as we prepare our special Christmas cards, party hats and calendars.


There is no homework set for this week but please look out for a reading challenge that is coming home on Monday, for you to complete over the break.





Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Week 5


This week we have been busy learning about our capital city of London and writing persuasive sentences to encourage people to visit London. We have been practising our sounds, blending and segmenting alien and real words in preparation for the phonics screening. 


In maths we have been working very hard with division- dividing by 2,5, and 10. We have been doing this by sharing and using our multiplication knowledge to work out problems. We are beginning to look at how multiplication helps with our division work and vice versa. For example 10 divided by 2 is 5, therefore 5 times 2 is 10. We will revisit throughout the year. Your child should have come home with a sheet to complete for their homework- this needs to be handed in by next Thursday.


In science we have looked at properties of materials. We have created our own stained glass windows (images below) after we investigated materials that are opaque, translucent and transparent. The children have also been working very hard with Mrs Hart to explore this element of science even further.



  • Thursday is our library day.
  • Please read with your child a little each night, asking them questions about the book and encouraging them to make predictions about the story.


Thank you for all your hard work with the homework over the last few weeks, this week will be the last task set until we return after Christmas. Spellings will roll over to next week as we were unable to complete them this week- please remind your child of their list and we'll ensure they are checked next Wednesday. 



Week 4


Where are the weeks going? I can't believe the Christmas countdown is about to begin.


In Geography this week we have been learning all about London and what it is famous for. The children really loved creating giant mind maps of everything they have learnt about our capital city. In English we have been writing newspaper reports and some of the children were interviewed to give their opinions on the devastating fire. In Maths we have been using a numberline to find the difference between 2 numbers. If you wish to visit Education City I have uploaded a 'learn-screen', which explains how we do this.


On Thursday we also had a Zoom assembly with Trafford Music Service, which was organised by Mrs Ogden. The children are learning actions to different songs, which we will then perform in an online concert with other schools. 

Homework- This week I would like the children to try a reading comprehension. We have started doing this in class. The homework can be printed off or you can do this orally with your child. There are three different levels that can be done, pick the level your child is most comfortable with. The homework also includes answers to the questions.

Week 3


This week we have started to learn about The Great Fire of London. On Monday a box arrived in our classroom which contained some wine, cheese and a diary inside. We learnt that Samuel Pepys kept a diary, which tells us so much about the fire. We then discovered that he buried the items we found in our box in his garden! 


If you would like to talk to your child about this historical event, please visit the website below. We have been using this in class and the children have loved working their way through this interactive site.


We have been busy in maths working on our multiplication, practising our 2,5 and 10 times table. We have also been using arrays, which can be useful if you're not confident with certain times tables, but also they will help when we move onto division. Below is an example of one-


Our homework this week is writing diary inserts. 

The children have done this in school, so they should be familiar with some of the features that need to be included. The children should write about things that they have been doing over the weekend. Some helpful tips for diary entries-

  • Put the date at the top
  • Write in the first person- I, my, we
  • Write in the past tense
  • Make it personal and interesting
  • Use time connectives- first, then, later


The children should write this in their Extras book and it is due in on Thursday 26th November.



Week 2 


This week we have been looking at Remembrance Day. The children made felt poppies and created artwork using fingerprint painting.


In history we have been ordering events onto a timeline, starting with The Gunpowder Plot and completing it with starting Year 2 in 2020! 


In science we have been really busy learning about different materials and their uses. The children have also been exploring natural and man-made materials. This is something we will continue to explore over the next few weeks.


Thank you to all the children who accessed the online homework on Education City. The feedback from the children was really positive, so I have set another task for the coming week for them to complete. Pease visit and logon to access the science homework set.


Over the next couple of weeks we will re-assess the children's phonic knowledge, as we prepare them for the Phonics Screening that will take place this half-term. This is nothing to worry about- it is a short phonics activity, that I will carry out with the children. You may receive a bank of words and sounds that your child needs to practise at home with an adult. 


As always if you have any questions or concerns please contact me. I look forward to speaking and seeing lots of you on Parent/s Evening. I am hoping that the technology does not fail, but please be reassured if it does I will contact you by telephone.  



Week 1


Welcome back- please read the newsletter below to see what exciting things we have planned for the weeks ahead.


The children have definitely started the half-term with a bang! Amazing writing, art and maths work has been produced this week (please see the photo-roll below).It has also been lovely to see them back playing with their friends, and excitedly 'catching-up' after the week off!


This week we looked at keeping safe on Bonfire Night and why it is celebrated- learning all about the Gunpowder Plot. We have written letters to the king to warn him of this plot and also created wanted posters of Robert Catesby.


There have been some beautiful pieces of firework art using chalk and oil pastels.


We have also been working with money this week, recognising coins and notes, paying for items and recording different amounts. This will be the homework focus for this week. You will need to access Education City, where you will find 2 games that I would like the children to play. If you have any problems logging on to Education City please let the office know and we will resend your password. The password is the same one you will have used during home-learning in Year One. I will be able to see which children have completed the task- stickers will be awarded for their hard work. Completing homework will help your child consolidate what we have been doing in the classroom. The last date to complete the task will be Thursday 13th November. 
