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Welcome back! We hope you all had a fantastic break. PLEASE NOTE THAT SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS TUESDAY 8TH OCTOBER 2024

Spring 1

Week ending 4/2/22


This week has been an animal week. We have been learning about polar animals and completing writing tasks. We are now focusing on sentence structure in year 2 and improving the vocabulary we are using. We are also having a story writing day each week and this is linked to our topic work. We have been focussing on beginnings middles and endings. 
In maths we have been looking at problem solving addition and subtraction facts and missing numbers. We have been looking at grid references as well. 

In mathematics to achieve national standard the children have to be secure telling the time in quarter past and quarter to times and this is usually something that the children find difficult to grasp. We will be working on time again this week but the more you can help and support your child in this area by looking at clocks the better. It would really really help. 


We have been having great fun making moving animal pictures and bowls out of clay. We have enjoyed basketball, fitness and football this week and the children have such great fun with our topic work in the afternoons. 

Week ending 21/1/22


Wow what amazing spellings this week. I’m so impressed. 
We have looked at polar animals and their habitats this week and how these animals are suited to living where they do. The children found the sharp claws very interesting and were glad they don’t live in the polar regions.

We have been working hard on adding similes into our writing and comparing our sentences to colours e.g. white like snow.

The children enjoyed the story of Antarctica and enjoyed exploring which animals and plants that live there.

In maths we have been problem solving this week looking at mass and volume. We have also looked at rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. 

Week ending 14/1/22


Welcome back to the world of polar animals and the Antarctic and arctic regions. 
This is a fabulous topic full of interesting animal facts and geography skills.

In PE this week we have started to learn basketball skills with Mr Shingler and we are practising running, jumping and spacial awareness in PE on Fridays. Please make sure on Fridays that your child has a few layers on, as it’s colder outside but often when they warm up they just take an extra layer off. 
We are assessing handwriting ready for joining our letters over the course of the next two weeks. You may receive some letters to practice in your child’s reading bag. It’s important that the children start their letters in the correct place so that they can join their letters easily.

I’m so so pleased with the children’s reading I have been assessing their reading ages and they are great! 

Below is a letter from Mrs Hart who has kindly offered to organise a science competition- it would be great to see lots of you join in!




Dear Parents,

Your child has been investigating materials and their properties in school.   We talked about  what houses might be like if they were built using unusual materials.

We would like to organise a competition.   The idea is for your child to  create a model house made from either paper, plastic, metal or fabric.  The internet has images of houses made from these materials, but ideally the children should investigate and problem solve themselves.

The closing date for entries is 7th February.  This gives you a little time to collect resources and discuss designs.   Small prizes will be awarded for the most original and inventive models which have not had a lot of parental help.

We hope your child will enjoy this activity. 

Best wishes


Mrs Hart
