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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Tuesday 2/2

Tuesday's work for the day

1 Mrs Gill's hello

2 Get fit with Mr Shingler 

3 Marvellous Maths

4 English tasks

5 Topic work

6 Music music music  

1 Well hello Everyone in 2F make sure you check out the reading icon to give you passwords and websites to try Ebooks. I have emailed out the passwords but unfortunately some people don't seem to have received them. Please try out the books and see how many you can read and enjoy. 

2 Let's get fit with Mr Shingler

Enjoy today's challenges!

3 Marvellous maths

Warm up let's recap on the measures we learnt last week

Unit measures

Can you remember 

1 How many ml's = 1 litre?

2 How many grams = 1 kg?

3 What do we measure temperature in?

Now let's have a look at the next data handling white rose maths clip.

4 English Work

 a) Can you complete the plurals?

b) Grammar of the day

SPAG questions can you answer the questions?  

The answers are there to help you. 


Finish off Today's English with a story of the lion inside.  

5 Topic Work

Today we are going to take a look at food chains. Food chains are vital for animal survival. Have a watch of this clip to introduce you to food chains. 


Can you draw a simple food chain?
6 Music, music, music