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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Week 1

Hello R2 Families smiley

Our feet have not touched the ground this week!


Lovely Eid themed crafts

A great start to our new topic 'Let's Go on an Adventure'. We adventured in to the woods with a lovely retell of the traditional tale 'Little Red Riding Hood', 'Little Red' by Bethan Woolvin. We had a super art tutorial first and then drew our own pictures of Little Red in the style of Bethan Woolvin...

Super star outdoor writing to help us read and spell some trickier words

A fantastic first football PE session with Sam

Exciting science week investigations into the theme 'air'

Taking care of our sunflower plants, watching the tadpoles develop in the tank and saying goodbye to our beautiful butterflies!

And finally, Scoot Fit to end a lovely first week back at school!

Please note, PE is now on THURSDAYS- Football and FRIDAYS- Yoga. 


Thank you for continuing to support your child in their home reading, it really makes a HUGE difference.

Please can I appeal to everyone to support their child in their home reading, so that every child can be supported in meeting Age Related Expectations in reading. 


Have a lovely weekend everyone

Mrs Cook xx
