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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024


5 Tubby Snowmen

How many snowmen can you count?
Sing along with me and watch the snowmen melt on the spot.

We are going to make comparisons between hot and cold places.

It is January and very cold where we live in Manchester in England.

Let's start with a winter day cold story.

Lost In The Snow This is a lovely book by Ian Beck about a teddy who gets lost in the snow and has lots of wonderful adventures. Father Christmas takes him home safely and before anyone really notices he is gone. A great story to read aloud, great text for retelling and making story maps.

Understanding of the World 

What can you see in January in your garden or when you are out and about when you go for your walks?

Jack frost had been in my garden this morning and all the branches were white with frost.  I went for a walk down in the meadows and I saw twigs and branches beginning to bud and grow.

I collected a few to put in a vase at home.  Can you do the same?


My cold winter day walk. Today it was very cold, wet and icy. Here are some pictures of my walk and some of trees I saw with twigs in bud and catkins

Creative Development / Writing practise

Look closely at twigs in bud and catkins.

See if you can draw or paint a picture of twigs in bud.

Some twigs are curly, some are straight, can you draw straight and curly lines,

The catkins hang down from the branches - can you draw catkins?

Buds are beginning to grow and sometimes they are sticky to touch,

Can you draw round sticky buds?

Before you start your picture write your name on the back of your work on the top left hand corner.  Perhaps you could copy your name.

Mr Shingler's PE challenge

Physical Development
Take part in Mr Shingler's PE challenge

The Jungle Book | The Bare Necessities Song | Disney Junior UK

In the Jungle it is hot all year around.
Look for the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities, forget about your worries and your strife! ✨🐻

Some places are hot all year around.

The jungle is a hot place all year around.

Miss Myles has found a story about a giraffe who lives in the hot jungle

Enjoy Miss Myles' story! 

The Short Sighted Giraffe

The SHORT-SIGHTED GIRAFFE by A. H. Benjamin is a charming tale about Giraffe, who cant see well, but is determined to deny her need for glasses. The challenge for Giraffe is avoiding injury as she staggers and stumbles her way through her day.
