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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Week 1 week beginning 21st February

Hello Reception 1 families!

Miss Edwards and I were so pleased to see all the children back in school after a restful half term break. The children have enjoyed sharing their holidays news with their friends and they have drawn some amazing pictures.


Throughout this half term we will be using a number of different story books as part of out topic Once Upon a Time. There will be a cross-curricular approach to these books enabling the children to take part in many different activities. This week started with a great story called Little Red by Bethan Woollvin. This has a modern day twist to the traditional tale. Ask your child if they can tell you what happened in the story.

In class we have discussed the difference between fiction and non-fiction books and different types of books and stories. After hearing the story Little Red, the children came up with some super character descriptions of Little Red and the Wolf. The have also drawn some story maps which can be seen in the photos.

In phonics we have learnt the sound 'zz' as in buzz and 'qu' as in queen. We can really see how much more confident the children are becoming in putting their phonic knowledge in to practise with their reading and their writing.

In maths this week we have listened to the story Jasper's Beanstalk to help us remember the days of the week in order and we focussed on comparing height and lengths.

We have started dance this week with Mr Shingler which is based around the story of Pinocchio. The children created some fab puppet like movements, which they really enjoyed. The children will also continue to develop their ball skills in PE with the United coaches.

On Thursday we let the children have a look through their learning journey books. The really enjoyed looking at how they have improved with writing and drawing and how different some of them look in the photographs from the start of the year.


Our medal winner this week is Nicole. She has made a fantastic improvement with her name and letter formation and is also a kind and sensible little girl. Well done Nicole!



*Next Thursday 3rd March is World Book Day. Staff and children are to come to school dressed as a good or bad character from a book. Remember to please bring your £1 donation*


I hope you all enjoy the lovely weather this weekend. Please enjoy looking through the slideshow. I look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Take care

Mrs Spooner x

