Friday 15th January 2021
Daily Timetable
1Good Morning from Mrs Gill
2 Star of the day card
3 Maths of the day
4 English
5 Music Music Music
6 Friday’s challenge
3 Maths of the day.
Today we are going to have a look at some symmetry in our warm up. Can you remember what the word symmetry means? Can you spot anything symmetrical in your home?
Please watch the BBC bitesize video
if you would like to, try the games on Education City that match this work. Have fun!
For those children who need an extension please take a look at these.
4 English Work
Phonics for starter
I would like you to read this "ebook" and retell the story in your yellow writing books.
Please remember to use capital letters and full stops, your best handwriting and remember to think very carefully about your spellings.
Think about the video you saw that talked about the beginning, middle and end of the story. It's a great story to retell and I just love the penguins!
I can't wait to see your fabulous work.
5 Music Music Music
Please enjoy the second music session.
Look at the instruments which ones can you hear in today's programme.
Can you draw a winter tree? I went for a walk on Monday and I looked at the trees which were so so bare. Trees make such interesting shapes when they are bare. Have you got a tree near you? If you don’t have one you can draw mine. Use a pencil and draw it in black as a black and white picture. You are all amazing drawers so I can’t wait to see them.
Here is the photograph I took.
Have an amazing weekend.
Check out the story time icons Miss Myles long story and the shorter stories both new and old. Check out the out and about icon maybe there is a place you can walk to with your family that you haven’t been to before to get your daily exercise.
See you all on Monday!
Friday's Remote Learning
1 Good morning from Mrs Gill
2 Star card of the day I am Brilliant
3 Marvellous maths data handling
4 English work A polar comprehension
5 Topic work Music fun
6 Friday's fun challenge the snowflake challenge by Mrs Ogden
7 Story time by Miss Myles
3 Marvellous Maths
Today we are going to doing some handling data.
To warm up can you practice counting in 2's 5's 10's 3's and 4's. You have a list in your reading record of where you are up to and your own personal targets.
Watch the times tables video to start and see if you can work out the answers as quickly as they can.
4 English work
The focus for the lesson today will be reading comprehension skills and the text has been carefully selected to incorporate our new topic of winter snow and ice.
Please ask the children to read the text as independently as possible. They will then be given a set of questions some will be tick the right answer and other questions will require you to answer in a full sentence. Please choose the level that you feel will be best suited to your child. You do not need to print out the comprehension it's fine to read it from the computer and write the answers on a piece of paper or orally. The main thing is the children are practicing reading and understanding what they are reading. 2F are amazing readers so I know you will enjoy these.
5 Topic Work
Today we are going to start the first of a series of music lessons about the instruments in the Orchestra and the different types of groups.
These pictures are great to help us recognise and learn the groups of percussion, strings, brass and other instruments.
Print out the pictures if you can so you can point to any you can hear on the listening programme.
Here is the first one all about percussion instruments. Although we cannot see them and feel them and explore them the pictures will help.
You may also like to watch this fun video on BBC bitesize.
Here is a word search of instruments if you want an extra activity to do.
6 Friday Challenge
The Snowflake challenge by Mrs Ogden
Mrs Ogden said 2F can share the video!!