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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Week ending 9th October 2020

Our Autumn topic is developing well.

The children have been learning about fruit and vegetables. 

We have had discussions about healthy eating and we have talked about the colour and shape of different fruit and vegetables and where and how they have been grown.

Matching fruit and vegetables

The children enjoyed playing a game of fruit and vegetable lotto together.  

They practised counting how many pictures were on their board, how many pictures they had and how many pictures they needed to get.

Mr Potato Head activity

Developing finer physical skills - the children enjoyed making 'funny faces' when playing with Mr Potato Heads.

We have been learning about Autumn time and hedgehogs

We used pastels and paints to draw and paint colourful hedgehogs for our new display.

Letters and Sounds - Our working wall

Letters and sounds phase one weekly activity

Each week we focus on a different letter sound starting this week with letter 'A'

In the nursery we take an informal and fun approach to teach letters and sounds.

We read a letter 'A' sound story to the children, play a game using a sound box and a sound jar and we refer to our working wall. 

The children pick objects from the sound box and if they begin with the letter 'A' they are placed into the letter 'A' sound jar.

We talk about pictures of objects beginning with the letter 'A' which we attach to the letter 'A' sound flower on the working wall.

We finish with a song - the Jolly phonics letter 'A' song.

Afternoon Snack Time

Dance lesson in the hall

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