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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Week beginning 19th July

I can't believe that I am writing about our last week of the school year. It has been another busy one filled with lots of fun!

THEE best day ever!!! Not just one bouncy castle in the playground, but three!! The children had an amazing day bouncing away. The heat did not slow them down.

Party day - it was great to see all the children in their party clothes and enjoying themselves with their friends. We have some groovy dancers in our class. We enjoyed lots of dancing, disco lights, musical statues, pass the parcel, party food and choc ices followed by a whole school dance in the playground.

Party Time

Finally, the children had lots of bubble fun on a sunny day.

This is my last update of the school year. I would just like to say on behalf of Miss Edwards and myself, what a very special class this has been. We have had a tricky year, with many changes thrown at us, but the children have been truly amazing! They are kind, caring, funny and energetic children who have such a thirst for learning. We are going to miss them all so much. I would also like to thank you grown ups for your continued support and patience. 

I wish you all a very happy summer holiday.

Take care and keep smiling.


Mrs Spooner x
