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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Week ending 2nd October 2020

We have had another great week in the nursery!

We have made a good start on our 'Autumn Topic'.

The children have had lots of fun playing in the home corner and in our newly set up 'Fruit and Vegetable' shop. 

Role play:

  • develops communication and language skills
  • allows children to act out and make sense of real-life situations
  • allows children to explore, investigate and experiment 
  • develops social skills as children share, take turns and play cooperatively
  • can be used to develop literacy skills and mathematical concepts

Developing Role Play

Mathematics topic task - sorting, counting and naming fruit using mini fruit counters

Developing Outdoor Play

Outdoor play is as important as indoor play.  Space, fresh air, freedom and time are essential for children's emotional, social and personal well-being.

Outdoor play enables children to become independent learners.

Our display of photographs as children play and learn
