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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Summer 2

Below is our curriculum update with more information about what we are learning this half term.

Week beginning 25th July

What an busy way to end our final week in Year One crying

The bouncy castles on Tuesday were a terrific way to spend the day, as well as getting to have lots of fun with Mrs Gill and seeing our new Year Two classroom again.

During the Summer break the children might like to continue to practise their phonics using the sound books and reading books that can be accessed online at the Oxford Owl website.

Finally, we would like to thank everyone for their generous and thoughtful gifts and cards. We hope you all enjoy the summer break and Mrs Gill will see you on Monday 5th September.


Love Miss Green and Miss Ryde

Week beginning 18th July

It was lovely to see everyone at our class assembly on Thursday. We are very proud of the children and how they performed. They did so well, especially considering they have little experience of being in front of an audience. 😊

This week we have continued with our addition and subtraction work in maths focusing on subtraction this week. We have been linking it with counting backwards, something the children found difficult and it would be helpful if the children could continue to practise at home. In Art we made our own silhouette pictures of animals on the savannah.

Finally, this year’s Summer reading challenge (at the library) is called Gadgeteers based around science, innovation and discovery. Different libraries in Trafford are hosting free events throughout the summer including a family fun day on Saturday 23rd July. More information can be found in the link below. Happy reading!

Next week

Don’t forget on Tuesday to wear leggings/ shorts/ tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt to take part in our outdoor fun!

Wednesday is our last day together and the children are allowed to bring in their own toy but nothing too large, precious, expensive or electrical please.

Week beginning 11th July

It has been a lovely week in 1G. The children have made fruit salad and enjoyed the challenge of preparing the different fruits as well as eating the finished result! In English we have continued with our animal poetry and enjoyed working as a group and performing our poems to each other. In Maths we have been recapping our addition skills linking it to counting on. We have been working with numbers to 100. Next week we will move onto subtraction. Finally, thank you to all the parents who managed to make it to our Family Fun Day. It was lovely to see and chat with you all and I hope you enjoyed the afternoon.

If you’re looking for something different to do this weekend, why not take part in the Big Butterfly Count. It starts on 15th July and runs until 7th August. Full details are on the link below.

Next week

Don’t forget it’s our class assembly on Thursday 21st July. We look forward to seeing you there.

Week beginning 4th July

This week has been a super exciting week.

We all had a great time at the Sports Day afternoon in the park and we finally got to play on the climbing frame this week. We could hardly contain our excitement and enjoyed every minute of it!

After our exciting visit to the zoo last week we have been inspired to write some poetry all about the animals we saw (and some we didn’t see!). We even had a go at reading it out loud and performing it to each other.

Poetry 1

Poetry 2

Next week

We are all looking forward to seeing you at our Family Fun Day on Friday 15th July starting at 1.30pm and don't forget it is also the PFTA's 'crazy hair day' as well. 


Week beginning 27th June

We are all looking forward to Sports Day next week. Below you will find some more useful information from Mrs Walkden.

On Thursday we went on our much-anticipated trip to Blackpool Zoo to look at the different animals. There was great excitement to be travelling on a double decker bus and even more excitement to be going on the motorway. After about five minutes of travelling, we had the inevitable “Are we there yet?” closely followed by “When are we having lunch?” (which made all the adults chuckle!) The children enjoyed the day immensely and luckily we had some lovely weather after an initial rain shower. Below are some pictures of the day, including the Seagull who was quite interested in seeing what everybody had for lunch as well!

Week beginning 20th June

Hello everyone, I hope you’ve been enjoying the sunshine smiley

This week in 1G we have loved learning all about the animals that live on the Masai Mara and have used this knowledge to build our own Kenyan safari’s when playing.

We found out what the animals on Safari like to eat. To help consolidate their learning the children had to be scientists and investigate ‘poo’ left behind by local animals to find out if they were a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore (Miss Green tried to trick us by telling us it was real, but we knew it wasn’t!). The children who chose to take part in the activity really enjoyed themselves and made great scientific detectives 😊.

In geography, we used Google Earth to travel around Kenya and find out about some of the other places tourists might visit. We also compared how everyday life in Nairobi is similar to living in Stretford.

In maths we have started learning about our numbers to 100. We have been practising counting backwards and forwards starting from any number. The children have found this tricky and might benefit from some extra practise at home. We have also partitioned numbers, finding out how many tens and ones there are in the number and counted objects by putting them into groups of ten first (to make it easier to count). There are some games in the maths folder above if the children want to practise working with numbers to 100.

Next week

Trip to Blackpool Zoo on Thursday 30th June

We are all excited and can't wait to go on our class trip. Just a couple of things to remember. Please wear school uniform and bring your packed lunch in a labelled disposable bag. You will not need your green book bag or reading folder on this day.


We will have our PE sessions on Monday(27th June) and Friday (1st July) next week. Please come to school in your PE clothes on these days. Thank you.

Week beginning 13th June

Welcome back to school everyone! What an exciting week it has been with work finally starting on the installation of the climbing frame, the children can't wait to play on it! 

This week the children have been excited to start our new topic On Safari in Kenya. In Geography we have found out where Kenya is in the world and learnt about their seasons. We found out some interesting facts about the animals that you might see on safari and wrote our own factfiles.


We also learnt about what it is like to live on the Savannah by studying the Maasai tribe who live on the Masai Mara. We enjoyed learning about them and even had a go at our own jumping dance in class!

During out Art afternoon we looked at traditional African clothing worn by the Maasai and the necklaces which use lots of 2D shapes and repeating patterns. We had a go at designing and making our own patterned necklaces using collage materials.

In maths we have been learning about time. We have used a clock face (analogue clock) and learnt how to recognise ‘o’clock’ and ‘half past’ and practised drawing the hour and minute hand on empty clock faces. This proved to be rather tricky as the children found it difficult to make sure that the minute hand was longer than the hour hand.

There is a game in the folder above if your child wants to continue practising recognising time on a clock face.



*Missing jumper*

This week a jumper has gone missing and may have been accidently taken home by somebody else (it has a name on it). Please can we ask everyone if they could check all jumpers and cardigans at home. Also as the weather has been so warm this week can we remind you that the children really need to have their water bottle in school every day. Many thanks.

Tuesday 14th June

In case you've missed the email from school, below is some more information about our Year 1 trip to Blackpool Zoo.
