Hello Reception 2 Families!
Please accept my apologies for being late to update you on the last week of Summer 2. On the last day of term I took off (you couldn't see us for dust!) on a wee family holiday with my Cook clan and have been enjoying some much needed family time.
We had a lovely last week and I hope that you enjoy these lovely memories of the fun we had...
The Summer 2 term is upon us, Yikes! It is difficult for me to comprehend that these will be the children's last several weeks in Reception 2!
Myself and Miss Hodgson are determined to make it so much fun and to help the children to prepare as best we possibly can for their journey to Year One.
Our topic for Summer 2 is...
This such brilliant topic with so much to learn and explore!
A few little reminders...
I hope that you are all enjoying the beautiful weather that we are having. We are looking forward to seeing your smiley faces next Monday!
Mrs Cook
x x x