Play hit the button to practice your number bonds to 10
You can continue with the White Rose winter theme maths activities (link on yesterday’s page)
Watch this clip and join in with the lesson to practice your phonics. You will need some paper and a pencil.
Click On the link to Phonicsplay. Select the buried treasure game and then I would like you to select phase 3 sounds. Today I would like you to spend time playing the game with these sounds so that you are really confident in recognising them in words.
Can you write a sentence for each of these words ?
feet coat bang rain high
Now that we are in the middle of winter I would like you to have a look at what has happened to the trees. Do you remember how we looked at the trees in the autumn and saw how all the leaves were changing colour and falling off (deciduous trees). Now most of the trees are bare. Do you remember what name we give to the trees and bushes that don’t lose their leaves? (Evergreen). Can you remember the order of the four seasons?
This link shows how trees change through the seasons.
Here is a fun song about trees and seasons for you to watch.
Now try this activity where are you can sort the pictures of the trees and plants into the different seasons. If you do not have a printer you could draw four pictures, showing how a tree looks in spring, summer, autumn and winter. Do you remember when we labelled the parts of a tree? Can you remember which is the trunk, the roots, the branches and the twigs?
Let’s end the week with some relaxing yoga time and learn how to do the tree pose