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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Week beginning 27th April 2020

This week we would like you to read Beegu by Alexis Deacon.


This week we thought you could practise your computer skills as well as your story writing skills. If you go to the Crickweb website and scroll down to find the 'aliens!' section, you can type in some dialogue and then play it back to yourself. It can then be printed out and you can continue to write the story on some paper. Remember you might want to use some '? !' in your sentences.

An alternative to this is to create your own story and illustrations using the computer. You will need to register and log on the purple mash website but if you use the 'tools' tab there are lots of different resources you can use including '2Create a story.'

You may also like to write a postcard or letter to Beegu to tell her what it is like to live on planet Earth. An alternative to this is to find things from around your home to show them to Beegu and make a video telling her about life on Earth, for example you might want to explain why we have two eyes and hair, or wear clothes or read books or play games. heart
