Hello Children and Grown Ups
It has been lovely being back this week, seeing our brilliant little R2 people and sharing their amazing progress at parent's evening with you. A HUGE WELL DONE to Miss Hodgson, THE best TA on the planet, for holding fort and keeping the children so happy in my absence.
We have enjoyed the lovely weather and everything that Spring has to bring! It has really put a bounce in everyone's step! The children have been amazing whilst adapting to new routines at drop off/pick up, lunch times and at our first indoor assemblies. Well done R2, you are superstars!
We have been finding out about Mother's Day and its origins and the children have a special little something for you, that they have made, in their bookbags!
Ryan was our superstar Medal Winner this week. Ryan has blown us away with his fabulous attitude towards learning!
Miss Edwards very kindly treated R2 to a lovely, refreshing ice pop on Friday afternoon. The children were really chuffed as it was so very warm! Please remember to send your child to school with a fresh bottle of water every day. No juice please. Also, ensure they are weather safe and on hot days, ensure that they have a sunhat and that you have applied sun cream BEFORE SCHOOL AT HOME, we cannot apply sun cream for your child. Thank you.
Next week in maths we'll be consolidating our knowledge of number bonds to 5. We'll be reading, exploring and retelling the third and final traditional story by Bethan Woollvin, Rapunzel and taking part in some lovely activities linked to the story.
In the meantime, enjoy the sunshine and Mums, make the most of being spoilt and feeling special on Mother's Day!
Here are a few photos of the children enjoying themselves this past week.
Mrs Cook x