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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

Week 5

Hello Everyone!

This week we went under the sea and discussed different marine life. We created sea creature themed tangrams, use our phonic skills to write lists of the things we could spot in an under the sea picture and created the most wonderful jelly fish crafts. 

In phonics we have learnt the 'er' as in herb and the 'er' as in sister phonemes and identified how they are pronounced differently to one another.

I have been carrying out some end of year assessments to hand up to the children's new teacher and I am so proud of how far they have come. 

Stanley was our medal winner this week. He is becoming a much more determined learner and we are all very proud of his efforts. 

Connie brought her pet stick insect Kirsty in for a visit on Friday! The children were fascinated but some of them just couldn't spot it amongst the foliage! Connie did a great job of telling her class friends all about Kirsty. 

On Monday the children will go to their new Year One class for a short time. How exciting!

On Tuesday we are going on our trip to Blackpool Zoo. Even more exciting!

Mrs Walkden sent home a letter on Friday expressing the importance of being weather safe on Monday and Tuesday due to the expected heat wave. Here is a link to the letter. Please read it and spread the word to fellow families.

Weather Warning Safety Letter


Tuesday's trip to Blackpool Zoo is going ahead. In order to prepare for the children's safety on the day it is very important that you read and carry out the following please. The following reiterates Mrs Walkden's guidance:


We cannot apply suncream to your children. Please apply factor 50 suncream at home on Tuesday morning before school. Factor 50 suncream will give them the protection that they need for the amount of time that we are at the zoo. Please do not send suncream to school for your child to take with them as we will not be able to carry it.


Please do not send your child to school with any tuppawear or reusable drinks bottles. Please send everything they will eat and drink in DISPOSABLE containers. The children and the adults will not be able to carry anything on the day so EVERYTHING in their packed lunch bag will be put in the bin once they have finished eating. Please put your child's name on their lunch bag. We will keep their lunches cool and away from the sun until it is time to eat so don't send ice packs or similar. Please send a drink for them to have with their food. 


We will be bringing and providing the necessary amount of water that we anticipate they will need. This will be transported by myself. We will take regular water stops and will ensure that the children are topped up with water throughout the visit. 


Please make sure that your child is wearing sensible shoes on the day. A couple of children have been wearing sandals that have rubbed their feet this week at school. Please try to avoid this so that the children are as comfy as possible for the day. 


Please try not to put layers of clothing on your child in order to keep them as cool as possible.


Please make sure that they are wearing a sunhat on the day. 


*********Please arrive at school at the earlier time of 8.45 on Tuesday. This will enable us to get on the road asap. **********


Please flag the above to all fellow parents and carers that may not access this information. Thanks in advance for your support. We, the school staff, will do everything required in order to keep your children safe and happy and to give them a day that they will never forget!


Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Cook xx
