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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Tuesday 19th January

Hello everybody, happy Tuesday!😊




This week we are going to be reading a new class book called Up and Down by Oliver Jeffers.

Here I am reading it and telling you about today’s activity.

Oliver Jeffers 1

As I said in the video I would like you to write some sentences telling me about what you think happens next to the penguin and the boy. Remember when you write in sentences they begin with a capital letter, have finger spaces and end with a full stop. If you are really clever, you might be able to use the words ‘and’ or ‘because’ to make your sentences even longer.

For those who may find this tricky I have put a sheet below for you to write a sentence describing what the penguin might look like. I have included our class word mats that we use in school to help with your sound recognition and spellings.



Today’s phonics lesson is the last of our vowel split digraphs.

Lesson 51 - Year 1



Today we are recapping our number bonds to 10. Please watch the White Rose Lesson and join in with the worksheet, and then fill in the star sheet bonds to 10 (or write them another way if you don’t want to print it out). Please send this work to me today and let me know how you found it.


Topic – Ready, Steady, Go!


Today we are going to ask the questions


Why are the Wright brothers famous and why do we remember them after they died?


Here below is a photograph of Orville and Wilbur Wright. They lived over 100 years ago. They are dead now.

Please watch the video below and remind yourselves about the Wright Brothers and why they are famous.

"Great Inventors: The Wright Brothers" by Adventure Academy

Did you remember that they are famous because they invented the first engine powered aeroplane called The Wright Flyer which could carry a person in the air? This changed the way people were able to travel and can now travel to faraway places.


How do we know this really happened?

This event happened in 1903 that’s over 117 years ago. No-one is still alive to tell us if this really happened, so as historians we look for clues from what has been left behind to prove this really happened.

Today we will look at some photographs that were taken in 1903 when the Wright brothers were testing the Wright Flyer. Talk with someone at home about the photographs below.

How do we know the photographs were taken a long time ago?

What can you see happening in the photographs?

What are the people wearing? Are they different to the clothes we wear today?

What do you think happened before the photograph was taken? What do you think happened immediately after the photograph was taken?

Great work today, we will carry on with this tomorrow 😊


Keeping active

A new and exciting opportunity has come into school from The Wire Gymnastics club, starting this afternoon on zoom.

Wow, what a busy day! It was lovely to see everyone on zoom today. See you tomorrow,


Miss Green smiley
