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Week 2

Hello Reception 2 Families smiley


The children have been introduced to some brilliant new experiences this week- dance with Kourtney, gymnastics with our lovely gym coaches, whole school celebration assembly, lunch time play times in the school play ground-just to name a few! The children have been taking these new experiences in their stride and Mrs Riley and I are so very proud of them heart 


Thank you so much for helping your children in putting their Chatterbags together. They have proved to be a real success in enabling the children to practise speaking with confidence and to share some of the things that are special to them. The rest of the class have been super listeners and they have shown lots of interest in one another. We are working through sharing the Chatterbags, so don't worry if your child's hasn't been sent home yet.


We ended a lovely week with a lovely treat! A play on the outdoor equipment, a biscuit and a cartoon-very well deserved!




Meet the Teacher - 4pm in the R2 classroom. Mrs Walkden sent a letter out about this and it stated that the children and their siblings are asked not to attend, thank you for your cooperation with this. The meeting will offer lots of valuable advice and guidance so please try your best to attend.


Water bottles - some of the children don't yet have a water bottle in school. Please ensure that they bring a fresh bottle every day. It will come home at the end of the day. Please name the bottle and do not send your child to school with juice, just water. Thanks.


Uniform- we have several unnamed school jumpers that are waiting to be claimed! If your child has one missing then please let us know in the playground and we will reunite them. Please make sure that EVERY ITEM OF UNIFORM IS CLEARLY NAMED! Thanks


Next week we look forward to more settling in and we will begin our school phonics programme Floppy's Phonics. You will receive information and guidance about this as phonics and reading are a real school/home partnership. We will also share this lovely book as part of our topic 'Getting to Know Me and Getting to Know You.'  We be celebrating the children's own uniqueness. heart



Have a lovely weekend everyone. Here are some photos of our week in action! I hope you enjoy them! Mrs Riley and I look forward to seeing you on Monday!


Mrs Cook xxx
