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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Autumn 2

Week beginning 13th December 


Well, we made it to the end of term! The children have had such a fun week. We have had a special visitor, a party,a Christmas quiz and a pantomime!


I would also like to thank you for your kind gifts - it is very much appreciated.


I will see you on Thursday 6th January when school reopens. Have a lovely break and stay safe.

Mrs Dempsey x





Week beginning 6th November 


We have had a lovely week in school. The children have been busy making their Christmas cards and calendars this week. We had a great time performing our Christmas segment to you! We hope you enjoyed it. The children wrote a recount of this on the Thursday, focusing on connectives and their handwriting.


In maths we have been revising the four operations and enjoying some Christmas puzzles. 


In art we have been using charcoal to sketch St Paul's Cathedral- it got a little messy but our art tops came in handy!


Week beginning 29th November


I am afraid there aren't many pictures this week as we have been busy creating some top secret things that parents can not see...yet!


In English we have been busy writing lists and using commas where needed. In Maths we have been exploring Geometry-looking at clockwise, anti-clockwise and angles.


In Science we have been learning about the famous scientist Charles Macintosh- who created the 'mac', which we wear in the rain.


Please can all children bring a Christmas Jumper/top to school on Monday to wear for our special Christmas segment that we are hoping to do on Wednesday(fingers crossed it does not rain!). 



Week beginning 22nd November


This week we have been working extremely hard on our division in maths- sharing and grouping as different ways of dividing. Here is an example-


In English we have been recalling events from the story Sammy the Street Dog, who gets trapped in St Paul's during the Great Fire, and recounting them in time order. 


In History we have been putting significant and personal events in time order.


We have also been practising our Christmas segment....more details to follow soon!

Week beginning 15th November

This week we have really got stuck into our Great Fire of London topic. The children were shown three pictures on Monday and they had to investigate what they had to do with the fire.

  • parmesan
  • wine
  • a diary


After using the new laptops we have in school to delve further we concluded that they all linked to things that Samuel Pepys had buried in his garden!

The children loved exploring this site- please feel free to do this at home!


In maths we have been multiplying and solving problems that involve the law of commutativity

This means 2x5 is the same as 5x2. We have also been completing some tricky word problems, which we will be introducing into all four operations in maths. Lots of parents asked how they could further support their child in maths so I have included two top sites below that have fun, interactive games that your child can play. Every child was also given their Education City login in their new reading records this week. This is a great site which we have invested in that allows your children to practise mathematical skills that are linked to the curriculum.


In R.E we have been learning about Christianity and what Advent is. The children created some wreaths and wrote facts about this time in the Christian calendar. 


Thank you to everyone for the positive feedback regarding the homework incentive, it was great to hear that it had helped to motivate some of the children. Keep it up 2D!


Week beginning 8th November


This week we have been learning about Remembrance Day. The children created poppy paintings and wrote about the reasons why we mark this day. The children were so sensible during the minute silence we did in school.


In maths we have moved onto subtraction. The children have been busy completing extra maths challenges which are testing their previous knowledge of different mathematical concepts- the children know them as 'red box challenges'!


We have been working hard on our phonics and spellings. Please see below for the list of helpful words your child needs to practise reading and spelling throughout the year.


In science we have been identifying materials and their uses. We have also been investigating how the same object can be made with various materials. We came across these spoons in the classroom, which sparked some great scientific conversations!




We have started gymnastics with Mr Shingler. The children did some amazing balances and are beginning to show some fantastic gymnastic skills.





Please can all children come into school on Monday with an art top- this is a t shirt or shirt that you do not mind them getting paint on/glue on. It will not come home until the end of the year- so something that may be destined for a charity shop would be perfect. This should be brought in in a named plastic/paper bag- they are not to come in wearing it.


Finally, have a lovely weekend and I look forward to speaking to you next week on our Zoom calls. 


P.S Don't forget to complete our homework challenge for the chance to be in our raffle!

Week beginning 1st November 


A big welcome back! It was lovely to see the children on Monday fresh and ready to start another half term of learning.


Thank you to all parents who helped their child with their homework over the holiday-it has really helped them to make progress. 


Parents Evening

I will inform all parents what time slot they have early next week. If you have replied and asked for a certain time already, you have all got your first choice. 


Our topic this half term is 'London's Burning'. We have already to started our topic with a bang as we learnt about Guy Fawkes and The Gunpowder Plot.


In phonics we have been continuing to learn alternative phonemes. We are working hard on our handwriting in these sessions too. Please complete homework sent and remember to do your best work for me! If you are unsure on how to help your child, want to know exactly how to pronounce the sounds in the scheme or how to get the best out of the phonics books being sent home, then click on the link at the bottom of the page, where you will find helpful videos to guide you.


We have been busy in English learning about commands, this is a type of sentence that tells you do something-which we linked with keeping safe on Bonfire Night.


In maths we have been doing column addition. We have even moved on to exchanging - which is very tricky but we've worked really hard to give it a brilliant go!


In art we have been sketching using different grades of pencil.


We had a busy Friday as the children did circuits, in small groups, in the hall in the morning and then football as a whole class in the afternoon! 



The wonderful Mrs Hart has also started her new science topic this week with our children and they have been investigating and comparing, ready to learn further about bulbs and how they grow.



Phonics link for guidance at home.
