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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.




Hello Reception 2 Families


Welcome to a new week of home learning. You've got this  heart

Please don't forget, I'm with you every step of the way with your child's learning, so please contact me by email if I can help you to find ways to make things work better for your family. x


Monday's Topic Work


We'll begin with topic work today because we are going to look at another aspect of our topic - The Arctic. We have learnt that the Arctic is the coldest place on earth, brrrrrrrrr! Not many people live there. But some people do. These people have lived there for hundreds of years (that is a very long time!) When I was a little girl we named these people Eskimos but they don't like that name, so for some time now, we have named them 'Inuits'. Their correct name.

Next, you'll see a Youtube video. This video gives a wonderful insight into the life of an Inuit child. This film is quite old but this way of life still exists for Inuit children today. 

Monday's Literacy/Phonics



Think about what you found out when you watched the video about Inuit children...



Tell your grown up 3 things that are different about the life of an Inuit child compared to your life as a child living in Stretford.

Now tell your grown up 3 things that are the same.


Simply chatting about the things that your child has observed is a wonderful learning experience.

You could devise them a little table to organise your thoughts and scribe what your children say.

Some children may like to use their phonics (a phoneme mat can be made available) and they could write down words or simple sentences to describe the similarities and differences.  


  Different          Same       








This week we are going to recap the digraphs: 

ai   ee   or

These are called vowel digraph (2 letters representing 1 sound) because they contain vowels (a e i o u).

Listen out for and practise their songs and actions in the Jolly Phonics video. Just follow this link...


Now follow this link and practise reading 'ai' words


Use your phonics to read this 'ai' story. Your child may be able to do this independently, for others, you may need to tackle each word with them by sounding it out and then blending the sounds back together. Beneath the on-screen image is a link if you would like to print it off.

Your child could find all of the 'ai' words and write them in a list.


For our next activity, let's keep our Tricky Words fixed in our super brains!

Today we are going to focus on the Phase 2 Tricky Words. Follow this link for a catchy Phase 2 Tricky Word Rap!


You could practise spelling your Phase 2 Tricky Words from memory by using the Look Say Cover Write Check method. Here's how...

  • All you need is a pencil and paper
  • Choose one of the Phase 2 TWs from the mat below
  • Your child Looks at it
  • Your child Says it
  • You Cover it
  • Your child Writes it
  • You both Check how they got on together


Monday's Maths Work


Maths Warm Ups


A counting to 20 number song to join in with


This video will help your child to recognise numbers 0-20


This week we are covering an area of maths that the children have learnt about before in class. This a chance for them to recap. 


We will be recapping 2-D shapes. In Reception we tend to explore the following 2-D shapes...

square        rectangle     circle     triangle 


See what your child remembers by saying the name of a shape and asking them to draw it.

This will give you a good idea of what they have retained and which shapes they need practise.


Let's talk about the 2-D shapes that we see around us every day. Follow the Powerpoint which features Mrs Cook's voice. The link is below.


Next, play this game in which you need to sort the shapes. You have to be speedy children! Grown ups, the children will need to get the hang of clicking and dragging objects. Click the green link below to play the game.


Monday's Physical Challenge


Below you will find a video of an Inuit dance. It is awesome! The video asks you to join in and bust some Inuit moves! 

Inuit dancing.wmv

Still image for this video

Here are some mindfulness snowflake colouring sheets. They are quite intricate but many of the children ask for them in class as they love them! They are super pencil control practise and require concentration, you may fancy doing one yourself, enjoy!


Finally, here is our next BBC Teach video to watch which will help your child to explore their feelings and emotions.

That's all for today folks! Well done children and grown ups for such a great start to a new week of home learning,

See you all tomorrow!

Mrs Cook x


