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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

Week 4

Hello Reception 2 Families!


Thanks everyone for a lovely week 4 of term. It has been busy as always and the children continue to impress us with their ability to embrace lots of new things. 

This week we have been matching and sorting in maths, learning the phonemes 'p' and 'i' in Floppy's Phonics and have been learning about different kinds of homes, here in Stretford and all over the world.


Next week we will be sharing these books as part of our topic All About Me, All About You...




Why not share them with your child over the weekend? Just follow the links below...


Your Fantastic Elastic Brain!

The Girl Who Never Makes Mistakes


We'll begin to explore Growth Mindset for young children to help to develop a positive attitude towards learning and to help us to always try our best, keep trying, celebrate and learn from mistakes and to never give up!

In maths we will begin to recognise more and fewer and begin to explore measures. In phonics we will learn the phonemes 'n' and 'm'.


I am really looking forward to seeing you all at the 'Meet the Teacher' meet up on Monday 3rd October at 4.15 pm. Please try your best to attend. smiley

Can I remind everyone that R2 has PE EVERY MONDAY. Your child needs to come to school already dressed in their PE kit. You don't need to send their school uniform to school, the children will stay in their PE kit all day. 


Here is a slide show of  photos of the lovely week that we have had. I hope that you enjoy them.


Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Cook xx

