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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

Autumn 1

Please see our newsletter for information about the curriculum this half term.

Tuesday 17th October

Wow what a week we've had already! On Monday we took advantage of the lovely sunny weather and walked to Victoria Park to study the trees and leaves as part of our science work. We sorted our autumn finds when we got back to school. The children were very excited and listened well to the adults. 


We have been busy practising our Harvest Festival with the rest of the school and can't wait to perform for you tomorrow (9.30am & 2.15pm)!

*****I have kept the reading folders overnight to change the books*****

Mrs O'Connell x

Friday 13th October

This week we have continued our work on using part whole models. We have found all the number pairs that total 5, 6, 7, and 8.

For example 1+4=5    4+1=5    5=4+1    2+3=5    3+2=5    5=3+2    5+0=5    0+5=5    5=5+0


We have also read The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse as our class text. The children have worked hard writing sentences, and have also made lists of things we find in the town and the countryside. Great work 1C!

If any families have black/dark coloured jogging bottoms/leggings size 5-6 that are no longer needed, we would appreciate some for our spare uniform cupboard. Please hand them to Mrs O'Connell on Monday if so, thank you! 


We are busy getting ready for our Harvest Festival on Wednesday next week. We hope to see you there!

Mrs O'Connell x

Thursday 5th October

This week we have read This is the Bear and the Scary Night and written fantastic sentences about the story! We have learnt what an 'adjective' is, and have practised our letter formation.

In Maths we have practised using the part whole model to split up a number. We have made the numbers practically, as well as written them down.

We also enjoy using the ‘splat square’ during our carpet time, here is a link to it if you’d like to use it at home.

We are also learning were food comes from for our DT work, as well as learning our song for the Harvest celebration!


Today we have been on our walk around Stretford to investigate the buildings and land use in the local area for our Geography work. We followed a map, and looked at landmarks, street names and house numbers. Well done on your first trip out as 1C!

Mrs O’Connell and Miss Ryde x

Friday 29th September

Firstly, a huge well done to those children who have been practising their reading at home, and completing their homework. Well done children (and parents!) Just ten minutes practise per day will be a great support to your learning. With the phonics scheme there are also resources that can be used at home, please log into the website below, then explore the ‘student’ tab.

Username: year1sryde password: VictoriaPark


As last week we practised rhyming words, here is a link to the BBC nursery rhyme page. The children enjoyed exploring the website last week. Which one is your favourite?


This week we have been reading This is the Bear. We explored the characters using drama, and wrote sentences about the story. We have worked hard to use the correct letter formation and punctuation. Great work 1C! Here are some photos from the last 2 weeks.  laugh

In Maths we have worked on comparing numbers. We used the vocabulary greater than, less than, and equal to. If you would like some more practise at home, there is a link in the games folder.


Next week we are hoping to go on a walk around the local area (weather permitting) to look at the use of buildings in the local areas, as part of our Geography work.

Mrs O’Connell X

Week ending 22nd September

Another busy week in 1C!

This week we have been learning, singing and performing nursery rhymes in English - looking for the rhyming words in each verse. In maths we identified one more and one less than a number.

In Geography, the children have found out about the journey of a letter and how to address an envelope using the street name, town or city and the postcode.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Ryde.

Tuesday 19th September

We are enjoying our week in 1C despite the rainy weather!


We have sent reading books and homework out today in book bags, thank you for your patience while you have been waiting for them. We have ordered new folders to keep them in so they will be arriving soon! laugh

Here is a link to the information for reading and phonics in Year One, and there is a folder above with homework information.

Mrs O'Connell x

Wednesday 13th September

What a busy week so far! We have been learning about numbers to 10, working hard on our letter formation, and we also enjoyed our first PE lesson as Year 1s! At the end of the week we are continuing our work on colour mixing too.

We have been talking about the people who love and care for us; it was really lovely to hear about 1C's most special people. smiley

We are still listening to the children read and the great news is that reading books will be sent home from next week, look out for those in bookbags.

Mrs O'Connell X


Next week

As Mrs Walkden's emailed update stated, our Meet the Teacher meeting will be on Wednesday 20th September. It will start at 3.45pm in the main hall. It will be a talk from the teachers about the Year 1 curriculum, and a chance to put faces to the names. Please make childcare arrangements for your child(ren), as it is a meeting just for parents and carers this time. We are looking forward to seeing you if you can make it (please don't worry if you can't).

The Year One Team 

Friday 8th September

Please see our newsletter at the top of the page for information about the curriculum this half term.

Here are some photographs from week 1.

As you may not be aware of 'who's who' in the playground, here is a link to our Key Stage One staff page. 

Have a great weekend. 

Mrs O'Connell x

Tuesday 5th September

Just a quick update to say PE will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays - starting next week (Tuesday 12th and Thursday 14th) Children are to come ready in their PE clothes on those days, same as last year. Don't forget earrings need to be removed for PE days.


Please also don't forget to send in a named water bottle for your child every day. 

Thank you, Mrs O'Connell X


Monday 4th September

Good afternoon, what a super sunny first day! I just wanted to let you know how fantastic the children's first day has been. They have caught up with friends, learnt where to put their belongings, practised their phonics sounds, read stories, played with Year 1 toys, and blown my socks off with their manners and good tidying skills! On top of that they had assembly, lunchtime and playtimes as brand new smart Year 1s, it's been a really busy day! 


Please can I remind everyone to ensure all of their child's uniform is named. Especially with the hot weather we already have jumpers to look after and we don't want any going missing. 

Please check back and we will update PE days and anything else you need to know this week.

Thank you for a great day and I'll see you tomorrow. 


Mrs O'Connell x
