Hello Reception 2 Families!
I would like to say a huge WELL DONE to the children and to all of you parents and carers for settling into school life so beautifully. The children have been awesome and Miss Hodgson and I just couldn't be prouder of them.
This week we have been continuing to get to know the children better, we've been carrying out observations and have been identifying the children's learning needs.
The children have really enjoyed PE this week with Mr Shingler and with Steve and Sam. Their new PE teachers were very impressed with them.
We enjoyed a brighter and sunnier Friday assembly in the playground and we have a new medal winner! Riley was chosen because she is smiley, polite, friendly and she has been very eager to explore and try new things.
Next week will bring a little more structure to the children's learning as we introduce Floppy's Phonics, embark upon some early maths and begin some adult led group activities. This is of course additional to lots and lots of learning through play!
We will begin to explore our topic for this half term- It's Good to be Me!
Your child will bring home their first reading book this week
A few reminders...
If you haven't already...
please name all of your child's uniform and property (inc water bottles)
send your child to school with a fresh bottle of water every day. NO JUICE PLEASE! VPIS is proud to be a Healthy School. Water bottles will come home at the end of every day for a wash
PE is every Wednesday and Thursday. Your child needs to come to school already in their PE kit
Your child needs a green school book bag. It is essential as it is needed to safely transport their reading folder between home and school every day. You can purchase one from the office, call the school number to place an order.
This a copy of the school menu. Next week we are on the menu for Week 1.
I hope that everyone has a lovely weekend!
Here is a little round up of a lovely week, enjoy the pics...