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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Week 5 week beginning 21st March

Hello to all R1 families,

I hope you are all enjoying the lovely spring sunshine.

As always, your children have been busy this week and having fun with their friends.

In phonics we have introduced 'dge' as in bridge and 've' as in glove and in maths we have been using the Numicon shapes to investigate different ways of making 10.

The children have been pleased to see the return of our reading buddy teddies return back to the classroom and also our water tray. They have both been a big hit!

In dance the children have continued to practice their Pinocchio dance which is coming along nicely. We should hopefully have a video for you to watch of their performance next week. Some children have been very creative with the playdough this week making volcanoes and Mount Everest!

Thank you to all the grown ups who came to parent's evening on Wednesday and Thursday. It was so nice to meet you all face to face in our classroom.

Your children have adapted very well to the changes in the playground for drop off and pick up and their lining up is fantastic.

Amelie R was chosen to be our medal winner this week for her concentration and always taking part in the activities that we do.

We have been very lucky with the weather this week  which meant we  were able to enjoy more time outside. Miss Edwards treated us to ice pops on Friday which we enjoyed together outside.

If the lovely weather continues, please ensure that sun cream is applied to your child  before they come to school and remember to send a sun hat with them. Please can your child bring a fresh bottle of water to school daily. 

Next week will will explore our final traditional story by Bethan Woollvin called Rapunzel.

I hope all you lovely mums have a very special Mother's Day.

Enjoy the sunshine and looking through our photos.

Take care

Mrs Spooner x
