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Welcome back! We hope you all had a fantastic break. PLEASE NOTE THAT SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS TUESDAY 8TH OCTOBER 2024


Good Morning 2F Mrs Walkden has made a video around school. I’d like you to watch and enjoy it as you go along but we will use this video for our English task so make a mental note of everything you see. 


Today is our last day of Maths, English and Topic home schooling because tomorrow is rainbow learning day before we return for a scoot fit, dance and meet up with our friends on Monday.


Remember to bring your reading books into school on Monday and your spelling books please.



We are starting off with English today for a change and we are going to write about “our school”. Next week we will be starting our new topic all about school and M32.

I'd like you to imagine that someone new called Ted is starting in class 2F can you help? Ted is an imaginary friend! 


This is Ted.


Can you tell Ted all about our school? Can you tell Ted about the playground and the things we have in school? Can you tell Ted about dinner times and class times? Can you tell Ted about the teachers and staff in school?

Remember to use your best handwriting and to use connectives.   

This classroom video may help you remember what’s inside. 

Mrs Gill’s classroom tour

Still image for this video

Look around school with Mrs Gill

Still image for this video
Can you do your writing in your home writing book please? 


Today we are going to warm up with some cm and half cm measuring. Can you find a ruler?

How many things in your home can you find that are 10cm long or near 10cm?

Can you find a toy that is 15 and half cm? 

Choose another toy can you measure it?  

Re watch the 3 digit numbers video

Today I would like you to make as many 3 digit numbers as you can?

Choose 3 numbers from these 4 6 8 2 3 1

here are some examples




How many numbers can you make using only 3 digits?    


Now choose 4 digits

How many numbers can you make using only 4 digits?





5 Mrs Ogden's Challenge

This is about a boat too! Have fun and enjoy this challenge.  

Today's challenge!

Today, to complete the challenge you will need some tinfoil, some coins, and a bowl of water. I want you to make a boat that floats using the tinfoil. You can test it in a bowl of water or in the sink perhaps. Once you know it floats, I want you to see how many coins it will hold. 

Perhaps you could have a competition with someone else in your family to see who can make a boat first. Or whose boat holds the most coins. Good luck and have fun! 

If you look at the photographs below, you can see the boat I made.

My boat floated! I managed to put 13 five pence coins in my boat before it sank. How many coins did your boat hold? 

I would love to see how you get on with the challenge and your other work today. Please ask your grown up to email it to me.
