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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Homework 27.5.22

The homework for the holidays is on Education City. It is best to play these games on a laptop or tablet.


It might seem like there is a lot to do but it includes 3 learn screens which will help your child to recap their learning.  


This is a learn screen-it is indicated by a triangle at the top of the activity button.

They may not need to do these if they feel confident to start with the activity straight away.


Please do not forget to read, this can be books that you have at home or even from the library. Have a go at writing too! Write a postcard, a story or a poem for me to read when we come back to school.


Finally I would just like to say that I am so proud of all the children and what a lovely class they are. They are definitely getting very grown-up and looking ready for Year 3!

Have a lovely holiday everyone! Have a well-deserved break, have fun, play in the sunshine(fingers crossed) and stay safe. I will see you back in school on the 13th June- ready for our last half-term.
