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Wednesday 13th January

Good morning 1G,

Let’s start the day with a phonics session.

Lesson 46 - Year 1

I think you will also like Reading Robot on phonics play – the current log in is ‘jan21’ and the password is ‘home’.

When you click on this game you can select the phonics phase you’d like to play. I would recommend phase 4 and 5 but go to phase 3 or 2 if that’s a bit tricky! Remember we always give things a go but do ask for help when you are really stuck.


Wednesday poetry lesson

Just as I said on the video today, we are going to start writing our own poem and finish it tomorrow. You can use the sheet below to help you write or copy it out yourself.


Here is the next lesson from the Oak Academy. The teacher here talks us through TURNS and the language of movement. It’s fun I promise!! 😊

This is a good problem solving activity to do. You only need to do page 3 (Cinderella). I would love you to email me your completed work so I can to see if you could follow the instructions and find all the answers. You could even make your own puzzle for someone in your family to solve! 
Have a look at the information for today and see if you can make a timeline. If you play it as a slideshow you will hear Mrs O'Connell.

Keeping active

Joe Wicks is back!! Come and join in with today’s workout…!

PE With Joe 2021 | Wednesday 13th Jan

See you tomorrow,

Love Miss Green
