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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Week 1

Hello Reception 2 Families!

My goodness, time really does fly when you're having fun! I really cannot believe that the children have reached their final half term of their Reception year!

It is going to be a fantastic final term and we have begun our new topic...


Our Amazing World!


We have read this wonderful book by Oliver Jeffers...



This book is so cram packed with amazing illustrations to evoke discussion with the children about their world. If you can, use the link below to listen to the story together at home...


Whilst sharing the book I was blown away by the children's existing knowledge, their questions and their responses. We are going to do some fantastic learning together this half term!


We had a very exciting start to the week! We returned to school to find that the caterpillar cocoons had changed somewhat! The butterflies had emerged and were very keen to be released into the wild! Over the holidays, Miss Edwards took such loving care of them whilst she was in school for holiday club. They feasted on watermelon and satsumas. So, on Monday Reception 2 and Reception 1 came outside together to watch them be set free! It was pretty special! Here are some memories of this lovely experience (click on the link below to see a video of us releasing our butterflies together!)...


Our Beautiful Butterflies! 2022


The children have begun making a lift the flap fact book about the planet Earth this week. They have also made Father's Day cards. We really hope that you like them! In maths they have explored doubling numbers and comparing amounts using language like more, less, fewer, equal and the same. The children are working hard at being Year One ready. They all wrote about their holiday news at the start of the week and I was so proud of their phonics and their presentation, what beautiful handwriting and use of finger spaces! We have continued with Floppy's Phonics and have learnt about the 'ur' digraph. We finally sent the children's sunflowers home on Friday! These were grown from seed and the children have really loved watching them grow! I hope that you managed to get them home in one piece! Layla was our medal winner this week. We are very proud of how her confidence is growing, well done Layla!


Next week will be another busy one. We will be leaning about Evens and Odds in maths. In phonics we will learn about 'ow' (as in owl) and 'oi'. We will do some lovely topic related crafts too. I will be carrying out end of year assessments too. 


The weather isn't going to be quite as hot as it has been but it will still be warm. So please make sure that your child has a fresh bottle of water in school EVERY DAY. We will refill them where needed. 


Just remains to say, have a lovely weekend everyone and Mis Hodgson and I look forward to seeing you on Monday! Enjoy the pics...



General Photos

Butterflies! Photos
