Good morning everybody!
This week we are going to be reading our new book This is the Bear and the Scary Night by Sarah Hayes. It is a sequel to This is the Bear which we read last week.
We know from reading This is the Bear that the bear and boy are best friends but we think the dog might be a bit jealous. See what happens in this next story. Does the dog try and get rid of the bear again?
The Bear was frightened in the story by the owl, I wonder why?
Today I am going to ask you to be detectives and find out what other animals might come out at night besides an owl (we call these nocturnal animals). What sort of noises do they make? You can use the power point or weblink or you might have some books at home that talk about nocturnal animals or maybe ask your adult.
Now I want you to pretend to be the bear at night in the park. What noises or animals do you think might scare you? Can you draw me a picture and label them or write a sentence about why the animal or noise might scare you?
For our phonics we are continuing with our initial blends/ digraphs. This is today’s lesson.
The children really enjoy practically consolidating their phonics learning with on-line games. This is today’s game.
In maths we have concentrated on our numbers to 10 learning how to order them, recognise them as words, find missing numbers or words in sequences and reorganise objects on a ten frame. We are now ready to work on numbers to 20. (If you feel your child still needs practise with numbers to 10 please continue to work on this).
Learn the different ways to use your voice in music.
It should have also been our PE session with Mrs Murphy today. So that you don’t miss out why don’t you try learning her uptown funk dance she recorded for us earlier in the year or try some yoga poses with Mrs Nield or do some wake up and shake up routines with Mr Shingler.