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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Autumn 1

Week beginning 9/11/20

This week we continued to look at Remembrance Day and the children wrote a diary entry through the eyes of a soldier. The children made amazing poppies and poppy paintings.

The children have also retold the Great Fire of London and wrote a diary entry for Samuel Pepys.

In PE we completed football skills and started to tackle and defend the ball from another player. The children loved it! 
Maths work this week has been centred around multiplication and repeated addition and I have sent the children home some maths work in the green maths homework book. This will help them practice the work we have been doing in class. Please can they complete this for next Friday? 
Activities will be set on education city for multiplication. 

Another amazing week well done 2F! 

Guy Fawkes work

This week we have been studying Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot. The children have learnt a bit about London and this will be enhanced in the coming weeks as we go back in time again to 'The Great Fire of London' 

We took a look at Paddington in London and looked at the continent that he came from. We also enjoyed some Paddington art work! 

In maths we have been starting vertical addition and I will be sending out a guide in the next couple of weeks to explain the exact method we will be using. The children have been counting and trying to improve their scores from before. It's amazing and the children have certainly been practising their 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's and 10's. Knowing these number patterns makes the children's multiplication tables so much easier.

We are concentrating on our handwriting and making sure all the letters are sat on the line correctly. Some children are starting to join already! Well done!  Although we do formal handwriting at school any work you can do to practice either printed off from the web or from using a book from a supermarket it all helps and practice makes perfect.

In science we have been looking at building and their properties. The children enjoyed looking at the houses in Henshaw street and the types of materials used.                 

Harvest donations

Half term 2 Week 1

The children have been re tested in their counting and months of year and wow what improvements we are seeing! The counting will really help the children as we start the topic of multiplication and division for the next two weeks.

Bring able to count in multiples really helps the children’s understanding of this topic. Please keep counting over the next few days! 

The harvest donations were collected by the charity and Class 2F took the trolleys and the bags to the collection point and Mrs Gill socially distanced and handed over the food to the employees who came to collect it. 



October Holidays

I hope all the families are well and enjoying a rest. 
The children have brought home some maths sheets that are revision of some of the topics we have been working on last half term.

There are spellings allocated for the holiday week but other than that please keep up the reading even if it’s just a few pages per day.

We look forward to seeing you next Monday. 

We made capes for our teddy bears as part of the super hero topic!

Week 7 photos

Week 7

Wow! Another amazing week in school and this week we looked at money and coins in maths. By the end of the week we were able to find different ways of making amounts of money and calculate change from 20p, 50p and £1.

In History we explored the story of Rosa Parks both from a book and from a BBC clip and thought carefully about ways in which the world has changed since Rosa refused to give up her seat on the bus. The children worked hard to retell the story and talk about how Rosa Parks has changed the world.

The children have continued to enjoy Mr Shinglers fitness PE and Mrs Murphy’s dance. Being able to participate In PE is fabulous for the children and staff as some of our activities like assemblies have been based in the classroom. 
Thank you for the amazing harvest gifts this week. We hope you enjoyed class 2F’s harvest video. Thank you to all the parents for allowing this to happen.

The children have spent time appreciating where food comes from and how people who are less fortunate can access food from charities such and the food banks. 
This understanding of harvest time and donating to others is a valuable part of our RE curriculum. 
In Geography we are continuing to learn the continents song and after half term we will be looking at GB in more detail. 
The children have been absolutely amazing! They are working hard in class learning new things, making brilliant progress in reading and spelling and most of all enjoy spending time with each other. They simply are a joy to teach! 

The medal winner this week is .....Althea! 
Keep up the amazing work everyone and keep earning those diddy dots and tiny stars on your cards.


2F is the best!! 

   Week 6

Time flies I can’t believe we have now completed 6 weeks at school. The children have been simply amazing and have settled so well into year 2 despite the rather strange systems of hand gelling and structure playtimes in our own bubble.

Well done to all the children who learned their spellings and to those who tried really really hard. We will keep revising these spellings in class for handwriting practise and in our phonic spelling sessions.

The children have very much their own spellings and learning programme in spelling, phonics and in mental maths counting. I’ve placed these in the children’s reading record books for safety. 
Please remember to bring the spelling book back on Monday where they will be placed in a box and looked at and tested on Wednesday. 
I’ll be working a couple of weeks ahead (just in case) so please only learn one set at a time. Most will be revision words but the new ones try and learn just a few at a time. 

We have been continuing to look at history in topic lessons this week and have explored the life of Mary Seacole and we compared her to Florence. 

In Geography we have been learning the continents song (found on you tube) and although the children can’t sing out loud yet we can mime. They love it.
Maths has been exciting this week as we start to explore the world of fractions and we linked this to symmetry from last Friday. 
Another amazing week in school and the medal winner for this week went to Kai! Good job Kai! An amazing attitude!


See you all on Monday  

Week 5

Another fabulous week in school! 

The children have been studying the life of Florence Nightingale this week and have enjoyed watching video clips of her life. 
We have been exploring the book Traction man in English and have been using adjectives to describe what he looks like and lots of detail to retell the story.

The children are enjoying our music project on Jack in the beanstalk and have listened to some rhythms and some classical music guessing the instruments. I was really impressed by their knowledge.

Mr Shingler has started back this week and is doing fitness sessions much like his online lockdown dances and fitness moves. The children really enjoyed seeing him return 😀

PE will now be Mondays and Thursdays so please remember to come to school in polo shirt and school jumper but with leggings or jogging bottoms and trainers on every week.

We had a fabulous afternoon on Wednesday making our teddy bears capes. They were truly amazing! 

The children continue to impress me their reading skills and phonics skills are really

making good progress. Thank you to all the parents for the hard work at home. 

Our zoom assemblies

The children have been enjoying our medal assemblies and particularly enjoy  happy birthday in sign language. Mrs Walkden wore the birthday hat this week and gave the children a surprise in our zoom assembly! Well done to the medal winner in class 2F.

Week 3 and 4

Week 3 and 4


Our superhero topic is now in full swing. We have started with the books Superhero and Superchimp. The children have enjoyed creating their own stories and designing their own vegetable/fruit character. Next week we will be moving on to Traction man and will start to make our teddy bear capes that we designed.


Thank you to the children for coming to school ready for PE. We had an amazing time with Mrs Murphy in dance and the children focused on street dance and their own choice of movements to various styles of music.

We welcome back a familiar face this week Mr Shingler starts on Thursday. Please can you ensure that every Monday and Thursday the children come ready for PE.


In maths this week we have used tens and ones to add and subtract tens to 2 digit numbers. We have been practising our 3 D shape names as a quiz daily.

Next week we move onto odd and even numbers and greater and less than and some symmetry of shapes work. Every Friday we change to a different topic in maths.


The children have been amazing at remembering their reading books and well done for reading every night. This will help you become super duper readers.


The children in Year 2 will be completing their phonic screen in the Autumn so I’ve sent some children home individual sets of words to practice building. Please try and ask your child to spot the sounds in each word.


The children are really enjoying the active playtime’s with all the equipment and we have ordered more balls, bats, hoops and games for each bubble.


The children have been absolutely amazing and are a real credit to you all. It’s fabulous to see them progressing and making progress and enjoying their school and friends. 

Week beginning 11th September

This week the children have settled into a routine and have been an absolute credit to their parents and school. You would never know they had been off school for so long.


In 2F we have been busy learning about place value in maths including the vocabulary of bigger and smaller and ordering numbers. We have also revised the shape names of 2D shapes. If you get chance please play a verbal quiz with your child asking how many sides does a hexagon, pentagon and octagon have? I’m sure they will impress you. 

We continued to look at the colour monster book and the our world book. The children enjoyed describing the reasons why the colour monster could be angry, happy, sad etc. We have been trying to extend our sentences to make them even more interesting.


In preparation for our superheroes topic on Friday we designed capes. Some of the excellent designs are shown on the attached photographs. They were amazing! 

We are really looking forward to our superheroes topic so please have a look at home and see if you can recommend any good superhero tales. 

On Monday we start street dance lessons and we are really looking forward to PE lessons again. A note about PE kits is attached in the newsletter. 

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Gill 



Week beginning 4th September


Welcome to 2F!

It was amazing to see all your smiling faces, shiny new uniform and have our classroom full once more. The children have settled beautifully and have been concentrating on having fun with their friends once more. 
This week we have looked at the colour monster story and have discussed all the different emotions the monster had. From this we created our own monsters and filled our emotion jar worksheet. We also made masks which the children enjoyed taking home.

In class we have our own wallets with pencils, crayons and colouring books.


There is a brand new routine in school involving lots of washing of hands, “gelling”,  keeping to our own bubble in the playground and down the corridors but we have all been amazing at it!

I cannot praise the children enough for the way they came in smiling on the first morning and have continued to smile and enjoy every moment in since.

Here are a few photographs of some of the activities we have completed this week. 
Please make sure your photo consent is up to date. We have some completed but not all. It helps us to know which children can be used in photographs. 
Have an amazing weekend and please please pass on to your child that Mrs Gill says you have been amazing! 
See you all Monday! 
