Week beginning 19th July
The children enjoyed their surprise when they arrived at school on Tuesday morning
Week beginning 12th July
We've had a busy week this week we lots of exciting things happening in school. On Tuesday we took part in our sponsored school Danceathon to raise money for the new climbing frame. We got to show the adults what great dancers we are!
On Wednesday we got to enjoy our delicious picnic in the sunshine and had some ice-cream and frozen yoghurt to keep us cool.
Thursday was super exciting as we came back to school after everyone had gone home and had our Year 2 Leavers disco with the teachers, teaching assistants, Miss Vrlec and Mrs Walkden. We all enjoyed dancing and being with our friends.
Finally on Friday we took part in our sports day, doing lots of team relay races.
Dance with Mrs Murphy
Today we linked levels to our dances and used the count of 4 and 8. The children worked in pairs and used some mirror image. Amazing work 2F
Our new active playtimes
Look at the fun we have at playtimes!
Week 2
This week I thought we would give you a little insight into our dance lessons and give you a couple of clips!
I’ve also popped on a video from our handball taster session too!
We always work hard in the classroom here we are hard at work continuing our castles topic. We have been completing comprehensions and have been concentrating on measures in mathematics!
Summer 2
Hello and welcome back. PE times remain the same for this half term but there might be a few additions and extra activities and surprises so we will let you know!
The children have settled in so well after the two week break and we have started our new topics of castles and the Olympics!
It’s all very exciting and later in the half term we will be taking part in an Olympic torch relay from school to school.
This week has been extra exciting as we have introduced the children to our new playtime activity trollies.
Wow it’s just amazing what fun the children have had!
The children had fun drawing a castle and a knight with draw with Rob!
Week 3
A week of multiplying and diving. We continued the great work from last week and the children are becoming more and more confident.
On Friday we started to look at telling the time and reminded ourselves about o clock and half past times. Some of us found it tricky so please try and look at clocks and tell the time including 1/4 past. We will be looking at quarter to and in year 2 we are expected to be able to tell the time in 5 minute intervals.
This week we continued our “individual talks.” The children have decided amongst themselves who is going to talk and if they are going to do their talk in a pair. The children are talking about anything they like from toys to animals to sports etc.
Here are two young ladies doing their talk together on their toy dogs.
Playtimes are great fun and we are waiting for our new class trollies and the new equipment. We will be watching a safety video and then the children will enjoy their own class toys.
If any parents have any outdoor games they would like to donate please see Mrs Gill.
Week 2 Summer 1
Another fabulous week this week. We really love Mr Shinglers wake and shake and I’m sure you will enjoy the short video attached.
We continued on with our addition and started some multiplication. Keep up the great work learning the 2 5 and 10 times tables.
We continued to work on Katie Morag in English and the children produced some wonderful letters. A few examples are below. They put themselves into the character of Katie Morag and wrote to class 2F describing what her school would have been like. We then wrote back to tell her about ours. We had a story writing opportunity and wrote our own stories about a castle.
There were so many amazing ideas.
We studied Grace Darling in history and started to complete some lovely art models of lighthouses. We also drew Grace Darling in pastels.
Mrs Hart has been making some fabulous vehicles with the children in group investigative science. A great example of a model is seen below.
Week 1 summer
Welcome back children it’s been great to have a fantastic Easter break and now we start our new topic all about the sea. We will be starting our topic by looking at Katie Morag and the Isle of Struay. It’s a fictitious island but is very similar to the Isle of Coll in Scotland. This is an introduction to life on an island and we will be looking at Geographical features such as maps and co ordinates and comparing life on an island to living in a city.
We had an exciting PE lesson the first day back and had a try at hockey. We then used the hockey sticks every break and lunch and enjoyed a more structured playtime.
In maths we looked at addition and started to use the more complicated vertical addition and subtraction. We also looked at missing numbers
23+ = 47 and found strategies to work these out. These often trick the children the most.
We will be concentrating on comprehension of texts this half term and reading between the lines. Please continue the great work at home.
A great start back to school!
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Remote Learning Spring 2