Hello Reception 1 families!
What a busy week we have had! Things have started to look a little like Christmas in class this week. We have put up our Christmas tree and lights and the children have enjoyed making paper chains to hang around the classroom. They worked together to make the chains really long! We have also been practising our moves for the Winter Mambo song which we will perform in the Trafford Musical Extravaganza this Thursday along with other schools in Trafford via Zoom. In preparation for this, the children will be making crowns and shakers this week. We have also enjoyed singing other Christmas songs which we hope to sing for you at Carols in the Cold. I hope you managed to have a look at the picture in our window to help you guess this weeks song. Yes, you are right, it is Jingle Bells!! Well done if you guessed correctly. Watch out for our next picture in the window on Monday.
It was great to see the children take part in Glam Up Friday, there was lots of Christmas sparkle! In class we have a very cheeky fairy who has come for a visit. She has been sent by Father Christmas to check that all the children will be on his good list. She keeps moving around the classroom to see how the children are playing and listening to them being kind to each other and sharing. Throughout this week we have been listening to some funny Christmas stories which have made us giggle. Maybe your child can tell you about one of them. The children have been making their own cards to give to their friend, they have enjoyed colouring Christmas pictures, recognising and matching numerals correctly in Christmas bingo, ordering Christmas puddings and baubles according to their size.
A letter has been sent home with a list of first names of the children in R1. Your child can bring to school a Christmas card for their friends on our class only. These can be posted in our class post box where they will be left in quarantine until the last day of term. The cards will then be given out to the children to bring home. On Friday 11th December it will be Christmas jumper day. Miss Edwards and I will look forward to seeing your jumpers or the jumper that you choose to jazz up to look Christmassy. Please do not go , out to buy one specially, it is great to see your own creations!
Next week we will be finding out why Christians celebrate Christmas and how they celebrate it. We will also be busy creating some Christmas surprises for you grown ups. Therefore there will be lots of crafts happening throughout the week. Please continue to help your child learn their sounds and practise their reading, and don't forget to comment in the yellow reading record book to let us know how they are getting on.
I have put an activity in the homework section of Education City called Silly Streets. I look forward to seeing who has a go and fingers crossed there are now problems this week.
Miss Edwards and I would like to thank you for your continued support and hope you all have a lovely weekend in the winter sunshine.
Take care, and we look forward to seeing your happy little people at the gate on Monday.
Mrs Spooner x
We hope you enjoy looking through the pictures!