Thursday Timetable
1 Good Morning from Mrs Gill
2 Picture of the day
3 Marvellous Maths
4 English Fun
5 Topic of the day
6 Music to finish
1 Good Morning from Mrs Gill from our classroom
2 Picture of the day
3 Marvellous Maths
4 English
a) Their, there and they're.
b) Recap on verbs
c) Listen to the story of Where the Forest Meets the Sea
Can you retell the story putting as much description into the retelling as possible. Can you use adjectives to describe the sea and the forest?
Can you describe the journey?
See if you can write using your best joins in your handwriting.
5 Topic work
Can you look at this picture from the story? Can you draw all the detail on the picture and match up the colours? Can you send your picture to me please?