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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024


Week 6


What a lovely week! We have been exploring shape and colour, and despite the rain we have enjoyed doing this in the outdoors. We have also been on a leaf hunt with Mrs Peters- collecting leaves of different sizes and colours. 


In the creative area the children have explored fruit and vegetable printing, creating beautiful displays for our Harvest Festival.

Week 5


This week we have been exploring autumn finds, using them to create silly faces in our tuff spot. We have also been enjoying circle time- where we have been discussing who is special to us and why. 


The children have continued to help make toast for our special snack time on a Wednesday. 


Full time and morning children have been into assembly with the rest of the school- they made me very proud, as they sat there beautifully and listened carefully to Mrs Walkden. The afternoon children will get an opportunity to do this a little later in the year.



Week 4


This week we have been busy- the children have joined in with P.E sessions this week in the big hall. Some children even joined in with the whole-school assembly on Friday. 


We have enjoyed sharing our special boxes and will continue to do this over the next few weeks. Please send your child's box in as soon as possible, if you have not done this already.


The children have enjoyed exploring colours, using the paint sticks to create their on Elmer Elephant.  We have also started our dough disco sessions, which the children love. Please see the attached document for more information on Dough Disco- this is something you can do at home too!


Week 3


This week we have been learning about what makes us special. We have been talking about things that make us the same and things that make us different. We listened to a great book titled 'Marvellous Me'. We were busy on the creative station looking at different skin tones to create handprints.


We have started our 'Busy Baking Wednesdays', this week making yummy toast with butter and jam for snack time.


Please don't forget to send in your child's special box so that they can take part in circle time.


A reminder - please label all clothes-it really does make our job so much easier if we can relocate clothes to the correct child. 

Please read the newsletter

Week 2


What a great week! I'm sure lots of your little people were tired and ready for the weekend. They have been superstars this week and settled into Nursery really well. Please don't worry if your child is still a little upset coming in - they are calming down so quickly. 


This week has been all about learning the routines and rules of Nursery. We have enjoyed the outdoors and playing in lots of different areas indoors. We have encouraged the children to be independent and to look after the nursery by tidying up after themselves.


We've had some gorgeous autumnal-feeling weather! The children have also coped really well changing into wellies for the mud kitchen. Please remember to pop a pair on the trolley with your child's name written in. 



Week 1



It has been wonderful to meet the children, and lots of parents this week. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we completed our Transition Week - it really does help to settle children into a new environment and routine gently.


The routine for entering Nursery is being practised daily- register your name, hang up your coat and then find somewhere to play! Please encourage your child to be independent at this time. 


If you have any questions or concerns please come and speak to myself, Mrs Howarth or Mrs Peters. We understand that starting Nursery is a big step for many children- and for many parents!
