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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.


homework 10/2

1 mixed maths sheets x 2

2 holiday spellings 

3 holiday reading and completing any outstanding comprehension. 


Homework 3/2

1 Maths multiplication and division

2 spellings 

Homework for 27/1

1 spellings colours and numbers 

2 subtraction maths 

see attached notes 

Homework for 20/1

1 spellings 

2 maths 

Homework for 13/1 

please see spring 1 icon for more information 

1 spellings

2 comprehension 

Homework for 28/11

1 Individual spellings

2 Division section of the white rose app. 
3 Multiplication and Division games




Homework for 21/11

1 Individual key word spellings.

2 Multiplication sheets in maths homework books.

3 Try the white rose app for multiplication tables practice. 

Homework for 14/11

1 The children have completed a large spelling assessment this week and have been given a new spelling target. We are helping to secure the Year 1 and 2 spellings so I have produced a set of words individually for each child to learn. This has been a huge task but will ensure each child is individually targeted to help them improve and secure the words. Please see you child’s book for their individual spelling list for 14/11. 

2 Maths

This week we have a tally chart to complete. Have fun tallying and making the gates. The children have really enjoyed making tally charts in class.

If you have chance maybe have a try at the addition games on the white rose mental maths app (app shown below). If your child finds the task easy try a subtraction games. The app is entitled one minute maths so it won’t take long. 



Homework issued 4/11 for 7/11


1 Spellings and 3 sentences.

2 Maths graph work and adding 3 numbers. 
3 Mental maths challenge.

Please try a place value challenges this week.


Each week we will try a different section of the white rose app.

Just to explain the app this is a tool which can improve maths fluency and the children will enjoy the games. 

There are several sections on the white rose app. These are different components of maths from the year 2 curriculum.
Please try the games finding which level provides a challenge for your child.

The addition and subtraction sections are great and we are currently working on addition to

100. We have been looking at number  bond 20/100 and questions adding tens and ones.

In the other sections you can try doubles in multiplication and halves in division. 
The games will help with maths fluency and are good fun. 
Please encourage your child to have a try as much as possible. 

The app will look like this 
