Friday is here again and you have had another week of being busy bees!
Here are some more activities for you to try and then you can put your feet up for the weekend!
Before you start your work I thought you might like a look around our classroom.
Two tasks today. One is a speaking task and the other is a writing task.
For the speaking task I need you to imagine that you are the boy in the story and then the penguin. You will need to think about what it felt like for them. What did they think about what happened and why did they make the choices they did ?You will need to give answers that they would give , not what you would say. You really need to use your imagination. This is like when we do the “ hot seat’ for characters when we are in school. Ask an adult to read the questions to you. The questions are mixed up so you need to decide who the question is for.
The boy and the penguin were good friends. Can you draw a picture of you and a friend ? Then write a sentence or two about what you and your friend like to spend time doing. Or you could write about why they are your friend and what you like about them. I would love you to send me your pictures.
Phase 5 Phonics for today.
I hope you understood the work on fact families yesterday. Today we are going to practise a little more. There is a video to watch and a work sheet to go with it.
There is a simpler work sheet , as an alternative, that you may find more suitable.
Let’s end the week with a good old sing song. Here. Is a music lesson with a boat theme. It’s a song I used to sing when I was at school- a long time ago !
This Friday see if you can have a go at Mr Shingler’s challenge
Here is another story by Oliver Jeffers for you to enjoy over the weekend
As quite a few of you are loosing your first teeth at the moment , I thought you might enjoy this Peppa Pig story about the Tooth Fairy.
Have a great weekend everyone and let’s hope we don’t have any more rain !