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Welcome back! We hope you all had a fantastic break. PLEASE NOTE THAT SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS TUESDAY 8TH OCTOBER 2024


Phonics and Reading Homework

Every Friday your child will bring home 2 x phonic reading books, 1 x reading book to share and phonic homework sheets to complete in pencil.

The phonic reading books give your child an opportunity to practise their reading skills. The books are to be read multiple times during the week, giving them the chance to recognise unfamiliar words and build up their confidence when reading independently. We ask that every child aims to read at home every day for around ten minutes.


The children are now familiar with completing the phonic homework sheets, using their segmenting and blending skills to read the words. Please could you encourage your child to complete them in pencil and return them back to school in their reading folder, ready to be marked the following week.


Below is a link to the phonics and early reading section from our website, which you may find useful when completing the phonic homework.

