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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Summer 1

Our Year One Curriculum Update will give you an overview of our learning for the half-term and some ideas of how you can help at home.

Week beginning 22nd May

Wow, it’s been a busy week in 1G!

In English we have excitedly written our own space themed shaped poems. It was tricky work but we soon got the hang of it and were very pleased with the results 😊. In maths we have started a new topic all about shape and have learnt how to recognise, describe and group 2D shapes. For the last two weeks in science we have been learning all about pets and how to sorts them into groups with similar characteristics.


We finished our space theme work this week learning all about Curiosity (The Mars Rover) and looked at some recent images of Mars’ surface sent back to Earth by Curiosity. The children were really curious and liked comparing how Mars is different to Earth. The children have really enjoyed our space topic this half term and it has fired their imaginations to find out more independently at home. Great work 1G!


Finally in Art we completed some space themed collages using different mediums (paint, chalk, collage materials). As you can see from the photos below, the children are incredibly proud of their finished pictures 😊.

When the children return after the holidays, they will be completing the National Phonics Screening Check. This activity involves recognising sounds in words and reading them and is similar to the classwork and homework activities your child has had throughout the year. More information can be found on our phonics and early reading page. If your child would like additional practise with their phonics during the holidays, then they can complete the activities under the phonics games tab above.

Finally, just like last holiday, we have retained the spelling books so we can update them and will give them out again after the holidays. Have a well-deserved break everybody and we will see you back in school on Monday 12th June.

Miss Green and Mrs Hermans


Week beginning 15th may

What a lovely week it has been in 1G, we hope you are all enjoying the sunshine 😊.


In English the children have continued to enjoy our book Man on the Moon. This week they have been using their imaginations to write in character pretending to be Bob (the man on the moon). They have designed posters to persuade more tourists to come and visit the moon as well as written postcards home pretending to be the moon tourists.


In maths we have been focusing on our problem-solving skills, with lots of weight, mass, capacity and volume work. There has been a lot of practising our new vocabulary words when comparing quantities! In music we have been enjoying learning new songs and using the instruments to accompany our singing, keeping in time to the beat. In DT the children have continued making moving pictures using different mechanisms and enjoy applying what they have learnt to their independent work during choosing time 😊.

Week beginning 8th May

It’s been another busy week in 1G!

Continuing on our space theme, we have learnt about how space travel has continued and changed since the First Lunar Landing. We have found out about how astronauts live and work for periods of time in space, on the International Space Station.


In English we have read a book called Man on the Moon by Simon Bartram. The children have enjoyed finding out about ‘Bob’ whose job is to keep the moon clean and tidy. They also found it particularly funny that Bob didn’t realise that there are aliens hiding there! The children have produced some super writing this week asking Bob questions and even drew their own aliens in art.

In computing we have used the ChatterKid App to animate our alien paintings and make them come ‘alive’! We hope you enjoy the results below 😊

Next week

Don’t forget to bring your best smiles on Tuesday, as it is class photo day (16th May) 😊

Week beginning 1st May

What a fun and exciting week we’ve had!

This week we have completed lots of practical activities. In DT we continued with our space theme and made our own moving pictures using a slider and lever mechanism. In Art we drew and painted our own alien pictures.

On Friday the whole school enjoyed a picnic tea party to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III.

The highlight of the week was definately our trip to Stretford Leisure Centre where the children enjoyed an afternoon of games working on their agility, endurance and team work skills. Great work 1G!

Week beginning 24th April

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend parent’s evening this week. It was lovely to chat with you and share the great progress your child has made in Year One. We hope you are as proud of their achievements as we are.


As you have seen in their books, the children are continuing in maths with their addition and subtraction work. This week we have continued learning about Space, in particular finding out about the First Lunar Landing and looked at how historians use evidence (newspapers, photographs, artefacts) to learn about events and people in the past.

In English, we have been reading a new class book all about an alien who crash lands on Earth named Beegu. We thought about how she might have felt at different parts of the story and had fun using the modelling clay to make our own alien models!

Next week

Don’t forget Dress to Impress or wear something red, white and blue on Friday 5th May as part of our celebrations for the King’s Coronation.

Week beginning 17th April 2023

Welcome back everybody, we hope you all had a good holiday.

This week we have begun our new topic Let’s Explore! and we are starting by exploring space. The children have been enthusiastically telling us everything they know about space and we think we might have some future astronauts in class! 😊


We used our non-fiction books to research and find out about The Solar System. The children worked in groups to make their own fact files. They really enjoyed discussing, writing and assembling their facts to produce their group piece.

In Music we listened to Gustav Holst The Planets. We also enjoyed listening to songs about the primary and dwarf planets.

The Planet Song

Dwarf Planet Song

In History the children have been learning about the Space Race between Russia and The United States of America. We found out about why Laika the dog and Monkey’s Able and Baker are remembered. We also learnt about Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins Apollo 11 mission to the moon.

For all the children and families celebrating in the next few days, we wish you Eid Mubarak.

As the weather is becoming warmer please can you check that your child’s school jumper is clearly named to prevent any mix ups and that they have their water bottle in school every day. Many thanks.

Monday 17th April

PE this half term will be on Monday’s and Tuesday’s.
