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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Spring 2

Below is our curriculum update with more information about what we are learning this half term.

Week beginning 4th April

What a fun but very busy week, this week!

As part of Science Week, we went on a walk to Victoria Park to see if we could spot any signs of Spring in the plants. The children were great detectives and applied the knowledge they have learnt previously in science. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were very well behaved. Well done 1G!

We also completed an investigation using bubbles, learnt about where food comes from and made our own ‘handy gardener’ glove. As the seeds grow, the children will be able to see how they germinate and which seedlings grow first. There is some more information about the experiment in your child’s reading folder. The children also enjoyed observing, drawing and painting some daffodils.

On Wednesday we enjoyed an Easter Egg hunt and on Friday we had the Easter raffle assembly and a surprise activity outdoors!


Scootfit! What an exciting way to finish the term! 😊

Over the holidays, please finish your reading books ready for the first week back. We have also sent home a phonics task and a 'reading for fun' task. If you would like additional practise using the split digraphs we have also set some activities under the ‘homework’ tab on Education City. Just like last half term holiday we have retained the spelling books so we can update them and will give them out again after the holidays.

Have a well deserved break and we will see you back in school on Monday 25th April.

Miss Green and Miss Ryde

Week beginning 28th March

During the past few weeks, the children have been working very hard with Mr Shingler learning their Paso Doble dance. From the video of the final dance below, you can see how much they have enjoyed it and what enthusiastic dancers we have in our class!

Paso Doble

In Maths and Health and Wellbeing, we have been learning all about Money. We have counted in 2p’s, 5p’s and 10p’s to find different amounts and learnt about saving, different ways of paying and where money comes from. We have added some games to the maths folder above.

In 1G we are still loving learning about flags. The children have been making lots of flags in class (and at home) as well as finding other creative ways to make them.

Don’t forget it’s science week next week. Please can you sign and return the letter that is in your child’s book bag as soon as possible. 1G are hoping to visit the park on Thursday.


Have a lovely weekend everyone smiley

Week beginning 21st March

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend parent’s evening this week. It was lovely to chat with you and be able to show you your child/ ren’s books and share the great progress they have made in Year One. We hope you are as proud of their achievements as we are.


As you have seen in their books the children are working on the story Suddenly! by Colin McNaughton in their English lessons this week. In Maths we have continued with our problem-solving work focusing on capacity and volume. In Geography we have carried on with our work about the UK and learnt about how the Union Jack flag was created. The children have also enjoyed exploring what flags from other countries look like. In RE we have found out how the celebration of Mother’s Day links to the Christian period of Lent.


We hope you all have a lovely weekend, see you next week 😊

Week beginning 14th March

As the seasons have begun to change, the children started this week by being scientists and using their senses to investigate the school grounds for signs of spring. They then used this knowledge as inspiration for writing some fantastic spring poems.

In dance with Mr Shingler we are learning the Paso Doble and absolutely loving it! Don’t forget to bring in a scarf or tea towel for Monday’s lesson (21st March).

Finally, a big thank you to the grown-ups for your patience at the end of the day when we are seeing the children out. It’s a little tricker trying to spot you amongst all the other parents, so thank you for helping us.


Have a great weekend everybody and enjoy the sunshinesmiley

Week beginning 7th March

This week we have been scientists using our senses and magnifying glasses to look more closely at different flowering plants comparing the similarities and differences.

We also looked at the work of sculptor Andy Goldsworthy and used his work as inspiration for making our own relief sculptures. We had lots of fun and really enjoyed it.

Week beginning 28th February

What a super fun week it’s been in 1G!

In English we have started to read Superworm by Julia Donaldson and thought about what the different characters might be saying and made up our own new character! We are continuing to practise our handwriting and using a capital letter and full stop in our sentences. This week we also practised using question marks and exclamation marks in our sentences as well. In Maths we have been counting in 2’s and noticing the patterns (using a 50 square) when we count. We have used some rhymes to help us remember odd and even numbers.

2,4,6,8,0, count the evens and you’ll be a hero.

1,3,5,7,9, count the odds and you’ll do fine.


In RE we are focusing on Christianity this half term. We have learnt about an infant Baptism, Shrove Tuesday and Lent. In Geography we are learning about the UK, this week focusing on Wales and learning about St David’s Day celebrations.


Finally, we enjoyed dressing up as our favourite storybook characters on Thursday for World Book Day. The children looked fantastic 😊


Week beginning 21st February

The children have really enjoyed being back in school this week playing with their friends 😊.

We have begun our new topic In the Garden finding out about flowering plants (sunflowers) and how they grow. The children have also looked at paintings by Vincent van Gogh and had a go at drawing some sunflowers. Below is a selection demonstrating the different ways the same photograph can be interpreted.

In maths we have been continuing working with our numbers to 50, finding one more or less and comparing two number to say which value is greater or less than. Finally, and as an exciting end to the week, we did some science investigating using our sense of smell, taste, touch and hearing. We all had tremendous fun!

Next week

Don’t forget it is World Book Day on Thursday where the children can come to school dressed as a ‘goodie’ or ‘baddie’ character from a book with donations to support the class reading corner. Please remember that it is also our PE day and the children need to be able to move around safely during their PE lesson.

Tuesday 22nd February

Welcome back everybody!

In your child’s green book bag you will find a school library book that your child has chosen to loan for the week. We hope they enjoy reading them 😊


Just a reminder that spelling books will be sent home this Thursday with new spelling lists ready to be tested the following Thursday. Everyone has put an amazing effort in last half term, well done!
