Hello Reception 2 Families!
I hope you are all well We have had another super busy week with lots going on! This week we had our first dance lesson with Mrs Murphy. It was ace! The children shown us how they can move in different ways to music and respond to stories with different actions and expressions.
Would you like a peak at our dance lesson?!
This week we have begun to get our home reading routines underway. Our learning groups, namely, Squirrels, Hedgehogs, Rabbits, Foxes and Owls each have a reading day and on the inside cover of your child's yellow home/school reading record, in their book bag, you will find their reading day. I endeavour to read with the children 1-1 on their given day. Please ensure their reading record and their reading books are in their book bag EVERY DAY,
Next week we will continue with our class story We Are Here and we will talk about the human body and the things we need to do to be healthy and to take care of ourselves.
Before I say goodbye though, here are a few more pics of the fun things that Reception 2 have been getting up to!
Me and Miss Hodgeson look forward to seeing you all on Monday!
Mrs Cook