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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

Free Coats

Welcome back to school in 2022! 

(That sounds like a date from Back to the Future when I say it out loud but I’m just showing my age there!!)


I hope that you enjoyed the break from school and were able to spend some well-deserved time with friends and family.  There has been a real buzz around school today as everyone is sharing news and enjoying being back together.   Your class teachers will be uploading curriculum updates and information onto your child’s class page but I just wanted to send out a plea.  Early in December, we collected lots of lovely warm coats and organised a coat swap in school.  However, we have lots of coats left over and with the cold weather well and truly setting in, it would be great if we could distribute the coats amongst our school families. 

I have taken photographs of the coats in age groups.  Please have a look and if there are any that you or other family members can use; please send me a direct e mail on the address below, saying the age group and a little description of the coat that you could use and I will bag it up and send it home with your child – yes, it’s as simple and discreet as that.   So please take advantage of these great donations.  All of the coats are free, just in need of a new home.  We also have lots of warm and waterproof all-in-one suits in a range of sizes but I did not want to bombard you with lots of photos.  I will send photos to the PFTA to put on their Facebook page so please have a look on there.  The coats are only gathering dust in school so please have a look and send your orders in, see the pictures below

Happy New Year and I look forward to seeing you all very soon

Best wishes

Mrs Walkden

The coats are photographed and arranged in size order.  There is a little note in each picture stating the size but they are arranged:

18-24 mths       2-3 yrs           3-4 yrs         4-5 yrs

5-6 yrs               6-7 yrs          7-8 yrs         8-9 yrs
