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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

Autumn 1

Thursday 21st October

What a great way to finish the week with our non-uniform day today. The children (and parents!) made a fantastic effort smiley

The children have really grown this half term and settled well into the routines of Year One and we are so proud of them.


We have continued this week with our This is the Bear stories (set in a park) and enjoyed writing speech bubbles for the different characters.

In maths we have continued working with our numbers to 20, looking at different ways to represent the numbers practically, as well as counting forwards and backwards to find missing numbers in sequences. We are continuing to practise writing our numbers the right way round.

As scientists this week we have been talking about the seasonal changes and discovering the different trees that grow in our local area. We have looked at different leaves to help us identify the trees. If you want to be scientists during the holiday, why don’t you go and explore the local area and see which trees you can find and identify them using their leaves.

Finally, over the last few weeks we have been learning about the traditional harvest festival celebration that takes place at this time of year. We have learnt a song as part of this work. We hope you enjoy it!

Oats and Beans and Barley Grow

Have a lovely holiday and we will see you back in school on Monday 1st November.


Miss Ryde and Miss Green

Week beginning 4th October

It’s been lots of fun in 1G this week and the children have really enjoyed playing out in the lovely sunshine.


In Art we have been practising mixing paints and using small paintbrushes to paint pictures using detail. We found it was quite tricky to manage how much paint was needed to cover an area though!

In phonics we have continued to practise segmenting and blending sounds to read and spell words. The children are really getting to grips with this skill, so thank you to all the families who have manged to complete the homework and used the phonic reading books to help the children practise these skills. We have also been practising holding the pencil correctly using the tripod grip and practising our handwriting making sure to add those ‘flicks’ to our letters and start in the correct place.

For maths we have been using the vocabulary of greater than, less than and is equal to when comparing two numbers to ten. The children also enjoyed their partner work putting the numbers in order from greatest to smallest or smallest to greatest.

If you would like some more practise at home there is a link to a game below.

As scientists we got to play a game of Simon Says to help us revise the names of our different body parts before putting the labels on an enlarged outline. Elbow, wrist and ankle proved tricky though!

In PE we all enjoyed football, learning new skills of how to travel, pass and stop the ball effectively.


A reminder for next week

On Tuesday 12th October the school photographer will be in to take photographs, so get practising your best smile this weekend, for Tuesday!




Week beginning 27th September

What a super week of learning 1G have had!

In maths we’ve been counting forwards and backwards to ten, finding one more and one less and using this to find missing numbers in sequences. Some children are still finding counting backwards a little tricky so some additional practise at home would be useful (from any number not just from ten).


We are continuing to enjoy our choosing time where we get to play together, practise skills, share ideas and chat with our friends.


This week we have been talking about what makes a good friend and found out how we can resolve an argument if we get upset with each other. This is all part of our Health and Wellbeing work on learning how to handle our emotions.


In phonics we have continued to learn our final sound in this week’s book. Thank you to all those children who have completed the homework. The homework is an important part of the phonics learning as well as the sounds book. They both give children a chance to practise their segmenting and blending of sounds in words, handwriting skills and consolidate the learning they have done in class. It would be helpful if you could listen to you child as they complete the sheet/book page so you can help if they segment or blend incorrectly. Thank you for all your support with this. We know it is something new and unfamiliar, but the repetition really does make a difference in helping your child segment/ blend words and recall sounds.


Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Miss Green and Miss Ryde

Week beginning 20th September

It’s been another busy week in 1G!

We have been continuing to learn about our local area looking at the similarities and differences between villages, towns and cities. It was exciting to use Google Earth and see an aerial view of Manchester and Stretford before we zoomed in and looked at a street view. If you want to continue with this at home maybe you could go on a local walk looking at the use of different buildings, spotting street signs or anything of interest in the local area.


Our maths this week has been all about sorting and counting groups of objects and representing them in different ways.

A note for next week 

Our sessions for PE are on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. Please send your child into school dressed for PE, wearing jogging bottoms/ leggings, trainers, their white PE top and usual green school jumper on these days. Please remember that long hair should be tied up.

As the weather is so unpredictable at the moment please can the children bring in their school jumper/ cardigan, coat and a labelled water bottle for the classroom everyday.


Your child has brought home their sounds and reading folder containing their sound sheets (homework), shared reading book and a sounds or phonic book. Just to remind you the sounds or phonic book is very important as it consolidates the learning in class.

We will be changing the books and giving out the new sound sheets (homework) once a week on a Thursday or Friday. This will also be the day when the completed homework will be collected from their folders for us to mark and return to you as soon as possible. This gives the children one week to complete their reading and the sound sheets homework.

Once again thank you for your patience whilst waiting at the gate on Henshaw street. If you want to get a message to us (and don't want to tell us at the gate) you can contact the school office by telephone or email (

or contact us 

Miss Ryde -  (Monday)

Miss Green -   (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)


Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you next weeksmiley


Week beginning 13th September

It’s been a super week in 1G! The children have really enjoyed learning about lots of new things.

This week we have been geographers thinking about where we live, identifying what town, city and street we live on. We have learnt about addresses and postcodes and found out how a letter reaches its destination. As homework I wondered if you could help the children find out what number and road/ street they live on and maybe take a short walk up and down the road to see how houses/flats/buildings are numbered on different sides of the street. Some children may even want to learn their postcode as well!

We also spent time this week learning about computers and identifying how they follow stored instructions to make different machines work. We followed this up by talking about what people use digital devices for and what you should do if you see something you don’t like when you are on a digital device – TAG (Tell A Grown-up). If you want to talk to your child some more about this, you may find the following website useful.

As if this hasn’t been enough, we also managed to learn about rhyming words, do lots of singing, enjoyed listening to stories, dis some dough disco, enjoyed football, learnt about contrasting dynamics (loud and soft sounds) in music and began to learn how to use a camera to take photographs (so lots of selfies and odd angles of the classroom this week but lots of fun!).


We are very excited about introducing our new phonic scheme, Floppy’s phonics.

Your child will have brought home their new phonics/ reading folder in their book bag. Inside is a reading book to share and a reading record in which you may like to write a comment. This can be to say how well they read, enjoyed the story or anything they may have found tricky. Please support your child when reading the book talking about the illustrations as well as tackling any unfamiliar words together. Next week they will also start to bring home a phonics reading book and some phonic homework sheets to complete at home. We will be sending an accompanying letter to explain how this works. The children will soon become familiar with the activities and their growing phonic knowledge will really help their development in English.

We hope you have a lovely weekend everyone!

Our Year One newsletter will give you an overview of our learning for the half term and some ideas on how you can help at home. We have also put the phonics and early reading update from Mrs Dempsey below, in case you missed it.

Week beginning 6th September

This week has been full of lots of turn taking games and activities. There has been lots of smiles and comments like, "I like being in Year 1, it's fun" which has pleased both of your teachers!

We have talked about our families and learnt how to take care of pets. We have been creative and learnt about primary and secondary colours and made our own clapping patterns in music. So if anyone has come home and told you that they've done nothing this week at school... then I'm sure you will all enjoy the photographs below.

Week ending 3rd September

Welcome to Year One!

The children and I have spent a lovely two days together. They have settled back into school really well. They have done lots of practical activities including dough disco, drawing, playing imaginatively and have enjoyed seeing their friends.


Miss Ryde is looking forward to seeing you all on Monday and I can't wait to see your smiley faces next week.


Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Green

