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Welcome back to Victoria Park Infant School

Summer 1

We've come to the end of another half term, and what a great one it has been!

It's now time for a well earned rest and we will see you back in Nursery on the 10th June.



We have had so much fun this week- and the sun has been shining! A big thank you to all the parents who attended Parents Evening- it was great to talk you about your child, and the progress they have made. You are always welcome to come and talk to a member of the Nursery Staff if you have any concerns or questions about your child.


We have been practising shape recognition and number recognition throughout the week. Please encourage your child to spot shapes and numerals in the environment.


Our phonics sessions have been developing really well. The children are really enjoying spotting sounds in words and thinking of words that begin with different phonemes.


The children had a gymnastics circuit session on Thursday, where the children had to balance and travel over different pieces of equipment. 


On Friday, we got to wash Mrs Hart's car. We have been enjoying a car wash role-play for the last two weeks, so to be able to experience washing a car first-hand was really exciting for the children.


If the sunshine continues please ensure your child has a long-lasting suncream on( we can't apply cream at school) and comes to school with a hat.

We have we have been continuing to learn about patterns-we have discussed daily routines such as eating our breakfast, brushing our teeth,going to bed etc. The children 'practised' one of these routines by cleaning the dirty teeth with toothbrushes!


We have been enjoying the sunshine:seeking shade to read and spotting mini beasts in the garden area. 


In art we used spring-inspired colours to make string paintings.

On Friday we had a bit of a different of snack time. We sat in small groups and had some buttered crackers- whilst chatting about our favourite and least favourite foods.

Jenny from Trafford Music Services Visit

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We had so much fun using musical instruments and playing fun games!

Can we move the frog?!

Still image for this video

Week 3

We've had lots of fun this week in Nursery. We had mini car washes in our tuff spots,which created some really fantastic co-operative play. Our new balance beams arrived(purchased from funds raised by the Santa Dash!Thank you!). The children got really stuck in-many of them not giving up until they had mastered all three beams. These  will help with children's core strength, balance and co-ordination.


We have played a fun phonics game where we had to spot the initial sounds in words.The children are doing brilliantly at this-please encourage this at home by pointing out simple things like c for cat or t for toaster. 


In maths we played snakes and ladders,which was great for counting,adding on,recognising numerals and subitising with the dice.


We cleaned out our tadpoles for the last time before we return them to their pond.It has been fascinating to watch this life-cycle but we now have froglets so we need to say goodbye!

Week 2


Our Transport topic was in full flow this week. We have been busy making buses(when the rain paused) in the outdoor environment-the children enjoyed making tickets and distributing them to the passengers. We have been inspired by the book 100 Decker Bus!


We loved playing with the large vehicles in the outdoor sandpit and creating train tracks under the shelter.


Our reading area has some lovely new books,which are being shared with the adults in the setting.


In maths we have continued to look at pattern but focusing on our daily patterns. The children had to order their daily routine.




Week 1


This week we have been talking about things that we have been doing in the holiday. The children have been doing a great job of mark making and writing recognisable letters to convey meaning.


In maths we have been concentrating on patterns. The children explored this on the creative table.


As mentioned in our newsletter, we are focusing on transport,as this is what many of the children are interested in. We have enjoyed large vehicles in our new outdoor sand area. We have been busy drawing maps, creating ramps for our wooden vehicles and exploring vehicles that are linked to the emergency services. 


We have also enjoyed activities for our science week, which were kindly organised by a Mrs Hart. The theme this year was 'air'. The children loved using the pump to blow up balloons. We also went into the hall to explore how we can use the air around us by breathing in and out to keep calm!

We finished the week by enjoying ourselves at Scootfit. I was really impressed with how well the children did controlling and balancing the scooters.
