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World Book Day Thursday 6th March - You can dress up as your favourite character or wear comfortable clothes

Thursday 21st January

Good Morning everybody, are we ready to start learning today? smiley



Today we are going to watch a retelling of the story Up and Down.

Up and Down

Today’s activity is to retell the story. You can cut the pictures out and sequence them in order or retell the story use the power point. Remember you want to practise using a clear voice and speak in sentences using lots of descriptive words to explain what the characters were doing or thinking on each page. Don’t forget it is a good idea to use your time adverbials to help you sequence the events (first, then, next, later, finally). 

Later in the year we will start to give comprehensions as homework. Comprehension questions are a way of checking that you have understood what you have read. There will be different ways of giving answers. Sometimes you have to write down your answer. Other questions have a multiple-choice answer and you have to circle your answer or tick a box. Have a go at this comprehension below. Don't worry if you haven't got a printer, you can talk about the questions with your grown-up.



When we do phonics in school, we normally start with a warm-up recalling our sounds and keywords. I have put a link to the folder here. Ideally, by this time in Year One, your child will be recognising sounds and words from Phase 5. I have provided all the previous different phases of sounds and words so you can check where your child is up to and can keep practising.

Today's phonics lesson is about recognising the different graphemes for the ‘ai’ phoneme. Why don’t you get Geraldine the Giraffe to help you.

Geraldine the Giraffe learns /ai/

Geraldine the Giraffe learns /ay/

Geraldine the Giraffe learns /a-e/

Long Vowel Letter ai/a-e/ay - English4abc - Phonics song

You can practise recognising the graphemes by playing this game.



Yesterday some children emailed to say they found the maths tricky. So I have done a couple of videos to help you and your adult with the way we teach maths in school. They can be found on the link below.

Today's maths lesson is about fact families. 

fact families to 10

Now try the worksheet below. Remember use objects if you have to but try and do it in your head first.

Topic- Ready, Steady, Go!

So far this week we have been looking at aeroplanes as a mode of transport. Today, we are going to begin to look at boats as a mode of transport.

I want you to think about how important it is to choose the right materials to make a boat. Would it be a good idea to make a boat out of paper, glass or cotton? Why not?

What properties should materials have to make them good for boat building? Do they need to be waterproof? Would they need to float in the water? Would they need to be heavy or light materials? Talk to your grown-up about what you think, before watching the video.

Now could you have a go at making your own boat and try them out in the bath or sink. How well does it float? What are the properties of the materials you have used? Do send me pictures of your boats, I would love to see them.


Keeping active


CBeebies | Andy's Wild Workouts | Under the Sea!

Andy goes on an adventure to find the biggest fish in the ocean.

See you tomorrow,

Love from

Miss Green
