Hello Reception,
I just wanted to jump onto your class page to say thank you for another Fun Friday, Reception! Today we celebrated the end of another great week for the children (and staff) in Reception, creating crispy cakes. The children are working so hard and settling into school life and I thoroughly enjoy being part of their treats on a Friday!
Thank you
From Mrs Walkden
Why thankyou Mrs Walkden! The children had a lovely time making choc crispy cakes for Fun Friday but I think the best bit definately was eating them!
Hello Reception 2 children and grown ups!
Week 6 has been ace! We have explored pattern in maths this week. If it wasn't nailed down, it was used to make a pattern!
We have explored our feelings and emotions too. We read Ruby's Worry and The Colour Monster to evoke class discussions about feelings. What we discovered is that we all feel very differently about different things and situations. We used the How Would You Feel if? cards which led to some great discussions. Miss H and I really love our carpet time chats. Take a peek at our Fuzzy Feeling Monsters. Each comes with its own little story.
I was so impressed this week with how the children can not only hear the initial sounds in words but they were able to recall them and write them, often from memory without a Floppy's Phonics help mat!
The children are well and truly settled now and feel they are part of our lovely school. They are all so very wonderful.
Next week will see us stepping away from our current topic and do some learning about Harvest time. We'll try our hands at observational drawings of pumpkins and squashes and share the class traditional story of The Little Red Hen. We'll find out about hedgehogs and hibernating animals too. We are very much looking forward to seeing you all at the Harvest Festival assembly on Wednesday. Please don't forget to bring a food donation along for our chosen charity.
Enjoy the photo slide show of your gorgeous children doing amazing things.
Have a lovely weekend everyone
Mrs Cook x x x
Enjoy the weekend everyone