Hello everyone. It was really lovely to see so many of you on the zoom meeting yesterday . We enjoyed seeing your happy faces and the great things you had to show us. It’s good to know that you are all well!
We are continuing to look at ‘Up and down’ in our literacy lesson
Later in the year we will start to give Comprehensions as homework. Comprehension questions are a way of checking that you have understood what you have read. There will be different ways of giving your answers. Sometimes you have to write down your answer . Other questions have a multiple-choice answer and you have to circle your answer or tick a box. Have a go at this comprehension below.If you don’t print it out you can talk about the questions and your answers with a grown-up.
Now practise some tricky words with me
Watch and join in with this phonics video to practise some of the phase 5 sounds
Let’s start by practising counting on in 2s, 5s and 10s. The more you practise the better you will be !
Today I would like you to practise using your number fact family knowledge.
Use 3 numbers that go together in a family , using addition and subtraction facts.
For example
2+7=9 9 -2 =7
7+2=9. 9- 7 =2
Remember it can also be written like this
9 = 2 + 7. 7= 9 -2
9 = 7 + 2. 2= 9 - 7
= means the same as
Topmarks have a good game for practising this. If you feel confident try up to 20.
You have to think carefully what to do when one of the numbers is 0.
So far this week you have been looking at aeroplanes as a mode of transport. Today, we are going to begin looking at boats as a way of travelling. I want you to think about how important it is to choose the right material to make a boat .Would It be a good idea to make a boat out of paper,glass or cotton ? Why not ? What properties should a material have to make it good for a boat building ? Do you think the best material would have to be waterproof ? Would it need to float in water ? Would it be a heavy or light material ?
Please watch the following video to learn about floating and sinking.
Now you could have a go at making your own boat(s) and try them out in the bath or sink . How well does it float ? What are the properties of the material you used ? Do send me pictures of your boats, I would love to see them.
How about a game of port / starboard ( sometimes called captain’s orders) We would normally play this as a game for the whole class in the hall. However, I think it can still be enjoyed in the garden or even living room, with just two people .One to call out orders and one to carry them out. Have fun!
It also helps in learning parts of a boat