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Monday 1st February

Good morning everybody! Today is the first day of February. It is also the first day of Children’s Mental Health week. I will add a wellbeing activity each day for you to do with your child, if you would like to. Are you ready for some home learning? We better get started then!


Mindfulness activity 1


Watch and listen to the video of the story Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers

Lost and Found By Oliver Jeffers

To buy the book: and Found is a story about friendship that will please children and grown-ups alike. I am a huge Oliver Jeffers'...

Have a go at completing the Lost and Found home learning challenge.

Time for an investigation.

You will need – tin foil, bowl or container to put water in, 1p coins.

See if you can make a boat from tin foil. (see the picture attached)

Put the boat in a bowl of water to see if it floats. If the boat floats, will it be on top of the water or will it go to the bottom? That’s right, it will be on the top. When your boat is floating, place 1p coins in the boat, one at a time. How many coins will the boat hold before it sinks?



Today we are going to look at the oo/oo digraph. This digraph can be a little tricky as it can make a long oo sound (moon) and a short oo sound (book)

Have a listen to the oo song and see the action at the bottom left of the page.

Jolly Phonics oo-oo

Watch my introduction video and blend together with me some words.

Mrs Spooner’s introduction

oo moo

Phonics: OO Sound/Words (Digraph)

Welcome to Abi's phonics! This phonics video teaches the phonics sound digraph oo where children can join in and practise their phonics sounds. oo sound word...

oo boo

Phonics: OO Sound/Words (Digraph)

Welcome to Abi's phonics! This phonics video teaches the phonics sound digraph oo where children can join in and practise their phonics sounds. oo sound word...


Today I would like you to think about spatial awareness, identifying where about something is.

Look at the spatial awareness document attached. You could extend this activity by using your child’s toys and asking your child to tell you where the toy is placed – under, next to, above, inside.


This is a fun exercise video. You will need your teddy or stuffed animal to help you. Grown-ups, time for you to relax and have a cup of tea!

P.E At Home Exercise For Kids | Fitness with a Stuffed Animal | GO WITH YOYO

At home PE exercise! Toss and catch, jump over, balance it on your head and lots of core activities all using a stuffed animal! Check out tons of other at h...

Now then, that is the first day of week 5 of home learning finished! The time is flying by! I hope you all have a restful evening and I will see you all tomorrow.

Take care

Mrs Spooner x
