Hello Reception 1 families!
I can't believe that we are almost at the end of our first half term in school. The time is flying by and your children are just going from strength to strength in all that they are doing. I have been in daily contact with Miss Edwards and we are so very proud of how your children have coped with a number of changes this week. They continue to shine like the stars they are!!
Well, in class this week, the children have been finding out about different types of animals. They have talked about their favourite animal, animal habitats, animal markings, wild animals, farm animals and pets. Some children have drawn their favourite animal and have tried to write the name of the animal, they have sorted the animals according to if they are wild animals or farm animals and also sorted them according to how many legs they have. Sorting into groups fits into our ongoing maths work. Also in maths the children measured different sized animals using cubes and created repeating patterns using conkers and pine cones. The children have been very creative this week and they have collaged pictures of owls, used forks to paint hedgehogs and have made clay hedgehogs with sticks for spines. These activities help the children to continue to develop their fine motor skills. Working on those fine motor skills the children have used small tweezers to pick up cubes and build a tower, one cube at a time, they have also used the tweezers to take loom bands off pine cones.
The children are continuing to learn new sounds in phonics and are beginning to blend these sounds together to build words. Thank you for all your support in helping your child learn their sounds, words or practise their reading. It is great to read the comments in their reading record books to see how they are getting on at home.
During our Zoom Celebration assembly today, Che was chosen to be our medal winner, our star of the week for his super efforts in all his activities. Well done!
Please enjoy looking through some of the snaps from this week.
Next week is a four day week, but we have plenty of activities planned. We will be touching on Black History month by using some super story books to give us an insight into customs and traditions and especially the different foods eaten in some countries. Miss Edwards and I would like to ask the children to draw a picture of their favourite fruit and bring it to school with them next week.
On Tuesday the PFTA are asking the children to come to school in fancy dress and give a £1 donation.
Another big thank you to the grown ups for all your continued support and your happy smiles when we greet you at the gate each day.
I hope you all have a lovely, fun-filled, family weekend!
Take care!
Mrs Spooner x